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365 School Bag > The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last Days > Chapter 61 Something Happened Wrong





Chapter 61: Something Goes Wrong

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Leng Su tightened his grip on Gu Chen's arm, and Gu Chen frowned and pushed him.

"You let go a little, my body is numb."

Leng Su opened the sleeping bag and made Gu Chen more comfortable to lie down.

Gu Chen shook his arm and wrinkled his face.

"It's numb, it's uncomfortable, it's all your fault."

Leng Su sat up and half-hugged her into his arms, kneading his body and revitalizing his meridians while comforting him.

"Okay, okay, blame me, blame me."

Leng Su gently kissed the top of Gu Chen's hair and comforted him softly.

On the contrary, Gu Chen made a big red face and felt that he was a little hypocritical.

So, Gu Chen was embarrassed and pushed Leng Su's arm.

"You get up, you don't need to rub it, I'm going to get up."

Leng Su looked at his flushed face, knowing that the little guy was shy, and let go of his arm.

Gu Chen got up from his sleeping bag and ran out of the tent with his clothes in his arms.

A few seconds later, however, a scream was heard outside the tent.

Leng Su's face changed, and he immediately rushed out.

The screams were Gu Chen's.

Can't tell what he felt in his heart at this moment, Leng Su only knew that if something happened to Gu Chen, it would kill him.

Almost at the same time, the people in several tents moved and rushed out in unison.

Leng Su was the first to rush out, and saw Gu Chen standing next to the fire that had been extinguished, motionless.

Leng Su breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly walked to Gu Chen's side.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

Gu Chen shook his hands and pointed to a big tree next to him.

"Something passed by just now, and when I came out, I happened to collide with him head-on, I didn't see what it was, he moved quickly."

It turned out that when Gu Chen ran out with his clothes in his arms, he was still lowering his head and buttoning the buttons, but when he walked to the fire, he looked up and happened to face something.

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