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Chapter 13: The master is angry

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1071Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40


Gu Chen was arrogant, but he didn't push Leng Su away anymore, and obediently nested in Leng Su's arms, enjoying this rare peace.

The heartwarming scene didn't last long, and it was broken by a person who didn't have the eyesight to see.

"Knock knock."


"Captain, Researcher Li sent someone to find you and asked you to go to the research institute, saying that there is a mission."

"Got it."

Leng Su responded lightly, and patted him and pretended to be dead in his arms, as Gu Chen who didn't hear it.

"Good, I'm going out."

Gu Chen snorted and arched in his arms, acting like a large dog.

"I'm going too."

Leng Su was silent for a moment, thinking that he wanted to incorporate Gu Chen into his team and record it, so he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, you come with me."

So, the little Deng Zi, who was waiting outside the door, scratched his liver, and the moment the door opened, his expression instantly stiffened.

Leng Su took Gu Chen's hand, bowed his head and said something to Gu Chen with a smile, but Gu Chen yawned and rolled his eyes towards the sky.

"The chicken I ate today, it was said that Researcher Li had finally asked people to find a genome that had not been contaminated by the virus, and researched and manufactured it to see if it was edible in the experiment, and I ate it as a result. Do you think if he knew, would he have the heart to kill me?

Leng Su smiled: "What are you afraid of, with me, I am next to you to protect you, he can't move you."


Gu Chen snorted coldly, but he couldn't help but hook the corners of his lips.

Someone who was ignored said: Nima, I've been standing here for a long time, do you want to show affection blindly, so take care of me as a bachelor!

Perhaps it was Xiao Dengzi's resentment that finally attracted the attention of the two people, Gu Chen coughed dryly, shook off his cold hand, and walked past him in one direction with his head held high.

Leng Su looked at Gu Chen's slightly red ears, a smile crossed his eyes, and he spoke lightly, his tone doting.

"Chenchen, you're going in the wrong direction."

Gu Chen's footsteps faltered, and he almost tripped over himself. immediately turned around and yelled at Leng Su: "Master likes to go this way, can't you?!"

"Okay, okay."

Leng Su hurriedly and gently comforted a certain fried man, stepped forward and took his hand: "I'll go with you."

Someone left out in the corner: don't you want to be so irritating to a single dog!

Also, boss, aren't you paralyzed? Where's your bully cool? Now this spoiled-looking person, are you sure it's not my eye problem?!

Gu Chen snorted coldly and raised his head arrogantly: "Then let's go."

Leng Su gently took Gu Chen's hand and walked in the base, which attracted a large number of onlookers, Leng Su actually held people's hands, and he was not paralyzed, this is simply equivalent to the power of an atomic bomb!

So, looking at the more and more people who appeared in front of him, Gu Chen was furious!

Don't think that the master doesn't know what you're all here for, passing by, you have it, there is a use for standing still!

And those two chatters, what are you talking about, donkey's lips are not the horse's mouth, if you don't look at this, I believe you are speaking Martian!

Leng Su naturally felt Gu Chen's fried hair for the first time, squeezed Gu Chen's palm comfortingly, looked up at the person in front of him, his starry eyes narrowed, and a burst of cold air suddenly blew through.

The people who had come to see the excitement froze and were immediately frightened and ran away.

Emma is so scary, doesn't it mean that Leng Su has a lover and has become amiable, why is it still so scary!

After a few seconds, the person in front of him disappeared without a trace in an instant...

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