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365 Schoolbag > The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last Days > Chapter 76 Meet Chen Mo Again





Chapter 76: Meet Chen Mo Again

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Leng Su sighed: "You've been asleep for more than a day, and you're still talking in your dreams, do you remember what dreams you had?"

Gu Chen thought about it for a while, and found that he couldn't remember what dream he had before, he only knew that it was a very sad dream.

"I... I don't remember much.

Leng Su kissed his forehead again and comforted: "It's okay, if you can't think of it, you don't want to, it's good that you wake up now, are you hungry?" Let's eat something first.

Gu Chen nodded, feeling that his body was a little weak, he should have slept for too long.

Gu Chen pushed Leng Su and motioned for him to sit up, Leng Su carefully helped him sit down, and Xiao Deng handed over a piece of dry food in due time.

Gu Chen, who was already extremely hungry, didn't have the heart to entangle, what dry food was not dry food, now as long as there was a stutter in front of him, he could immediately turn into a wolf and pounce on it.

Although he was very hungry, Gu Chen's chewing speed was very slow, because his spirit had not yet recovered, and his body was tired and tight.

The action of eating was completely instinctive, chewing slowly one bite at a time, and slowly gnawing a piece of dry food, Gu Chen felt that there was food in his stomach, and his spirit recovered a little.

Gu Chen silently turned his head to look at the back seat, and found that he almost saved the team member with his life, but he was still closing his eyes, and he was suddenly surprised.

Gu Chen pointed to the team member and asked Leng Su: "Has he been like this since my treatment, or did he wake up later, but now he is asleep?"

Leng Su paused for a moment and decided to tell the truth: "After your treatment, he has been asleep until now, and he has not woken up yet."

Gu Chen's eyes widened in disbelief: "How is it possible!"

Leng Su frowned slightly: "I also think it's unlikely, we all believe in your ability, it stands to reason that after you finish treatment, he should wake up immediately, but the fact is that he hasn't reacted yet."

Gu Chen's face immediately turned blue: "How can this be?"

found that Gu Chen's emotions were a little excited, which may be the reason why he was too shocked by this result.

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