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Chapter 14: First Sight of Kobayashi

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1091Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

Gu Chen patted Leng Su's arm with satisfaction: "Good job."

The two arrived at the research institute unimpeded, and found that the research institute was in chaos for some reason.

Wearing a white coat and glasses with thick lenses, they all ran back and forth in the institute with a serious face.

Leng Su and Gu Chen stood at the door of the research institute, completely like transparent people, and no one noticed the two of them at all.

Gu Chen, who was ignored, leaned on Leng Su, pressed most of the weight on his body, and yawned.

"What are these people doing, didn't you come here to say that you have a mission? The door is not allowed to enter, and there is a Mao task.

Leng Su touched his soft hair: "Sleepy?

Gu Chen glanced at him: "I said that if I was sleepy, would you take me back to sleep?"

"No, it won't."

"Then you still ask for yarn."

"I can sleep with you in my arms."

Gu Chen: Ahem.

The entrance to the institute is made of a particularly strong translucent glass, and standing outside the door, you can only faintly see the figures inside the institute.

The alloy gate was so strong that even if an atomic bomb were thrown at it, it would at best cause some innocuous cracks, but it would not shatter.

Only on the computer recorder of the alloy gate, the pupil pattern is collected, which is considered a pass.

Anyone who can get in needs to scan their pupils. If you want to break in, once you get close to the danger range, the computer will automatically scan the pupils, and if you find that there is no recording, it will automatically fire a laser sweep to beat you into a sieve.

So, at this time, Leng Su and Gu Chen were standing at a safe distance, waiting boredly for someone to notice them, but they didn't have the slightest intention of approaching.

I don't know how long I waited, Gu Chen was impatient, and a person finally came out of the research institute.

After that person came out, he was stunned when he saw Leng Su and Gu Chen standing at the door.

"Why are you standing here?"

As soon as Gu Chen heard this, his temper came up: "We are full."

The researcher choked and couldn't speak for a while, probably the first time he had encountered someone of this great lethality.

Leng Su patted Gu Chen's arm soothingly: "Researcher Li asked his subordinates to inform me that there was a mission.

The researcher, as if he had just remembered, suddenly realized.

"Ouch, it seems like that's going on."

Gu Chen didn't even have the desire to roll his eyes.

"Hello, my name is Lin Su, you can call me Xiaolin, the teacher is very busy now, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time, I'll take you in first."

Although Xiaolin's memory is not very good, his attitude of admitting mistakes is not bad. It could be seen that Gu Chen was a little unhappy because he was neglected, so he hurriedly apologized first.

Everyone said so, and Gu Chen couldn't say anything anymore, in fact, he was just bored waiting, just vent.

"My name is Gu Chen."

Xiao Lin smiled and hurriedly led the two of them in.

After Gu Chen and Leng Su entered the research institute, Gu Chen found out what he saw at the door, and it was called a mess.

Dozens of people in white coats walked back and forth, folders in their hands, and walked at trots.

Even now that two people came in, no one looked at them, they were all busy with the things in their hands, and their faces were solemn.

There was no other source of sound in the laboratory except for footsteps and the sounds of machines, and there was not even a conversation between the people.

The oppressive atmosphere here inexplicably made Gu Chen's heart feel uneasy.

Leng Su noticed Gu Chen's strange appearance for the first time, and held his hand tightly.

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