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Chapter 17: Rejection of Memories

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1060Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

Leng Su carefully comforted Gu Chen, and comforted him softly in his ear, but Gu Chen seemed to be unable to hear anything, his body trembled more and more, and even began to roar in his mouth.

It's like a little beast that feels danger and whimpers uneasily.

Researcher Li gave an order, and soon Xiao Lin ran over with a tranquilizer in his sweat.

After Researcher Li took it, he quickly pulled Gu Chen's arm, and when Gu Chen subconsciously resisted, he accurately pierced the needle under his skin.

As the injection was gradually pushed in, Gu Chen's emotions slowly eased, and he finally lost consciousness completely in Leng Su's arms.

"What's wrong with him!?"

Leng Su's eyes were fierce, staring at Researcher Li with a big reason why he couldn't tell why, so he demolished this place.

Researcher Li also frowned, looking puzzled, and touched the weed-like beard on his chin.

"I don't know how he suddenly became like this, but he seems to have suddenly remembered something, which caused him to lose his temper."

Researcher Li touched his beard's hand for a moment, and looked up at Leng Su with a look of ill intent.

Leng Su's black eyes narrowed, and his cold gaze shot unceremoniously towards Researcher Li.

Researcher Li shrugged indifferently: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you, you take him to the lounge inside, and I'll check it on him."

Leng Su didn't speak again, picked up Gu Chen, and strode inside. Researcher Li narrowed his eyes and followed with an uncertain expression.

When Gu Chen finally woke up, Leng Su's face was so heavy that he could scare people to death.

When he woke up, he was lying on the bed, his upper body was coldly held in his arms, and he didn't let it go.

There was a cold and calm heartbeat in my ears, and an inexplicable feeling of peace of mind gradually spread.

Stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around Leng Su's sturdy waist, and couldn't help but touch a few handfuls of oil on it.

Leng Su grabbed his chaotic hand, and there was light in his eyes.

"Got spirits?"

Gu Chen smiled, but Leng Su hugged him tightly, and Gu Chen, who had a lot of strength, felt that his waist was broken.

"Do you know that you scared me just now."

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, and carefully tightened the arm placed on Leng Su's waist, and the corners of his lips slowly hooked.

It's a good feeling that someone cares.

However, in this world, there will always be some people who exist specifically for the sake of spoiling the scenery.


Standing at the end of the bed, Researcher Li, who had been ignored for a long time, finally couldn't help but break the ambiguous atmosphere in the air.

Leng Su and Gu Chen turned their heads in unison, their eyes were like torches, staring at him condemningly.

Researcher Li was startled by what they saw, touched his beard's hand, and forcibly pulled off a gray beard, and immediately gasped in pain.

"Ouch, I mean, you two should have enough of the flesh too. Boy, what stimulated you before? Or have you been abused?

Gu Chen looked at him inexplicably, and Researcher Li rolled his eyes regardless of the image.

"Don't ask me how I know, except for this possibility, I really can't think of why a single sentence can irritate you out of control."

Gu Chen narrowed his eyes, obviously remembering what happened before he fell into a coma, and his expression was inexplicable.

Closing his eyes, he really didn't want to remember the events of his previous life, after all, he was still alive and well, wasn't he?

"I don't want to say it."

Researcher Li originally wanted to move with emotion and reason, but was swept away by a cold gaze and immediately shut up.

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, we won't say it."

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