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Chapter 106: The Meat Fight

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Leng Su was still a little frightened when he held the person in his arms, and the process was like a kite that had lost its string, and he fell to the ground in an instant, and his heart was so frightened that he stopped.

"What's the matter, it's okay, right?"

Gu Chen took a breath, and was finally able to speak, he looked at Leng Su with a flat mouth, and his expression was pitiful: "My legs are weak."

Leng Su couldn't help but be angry and funny, and locked the person tightly in his arms.

"You're scared the hell out of me."

Gu Chen pursed his lips, but did not speak, his heart was warm because of Leng Su's concern for him.

"Everyone according to the location assigned by the vehicle when they came, go back to their car as soon as possible, hide in the car and don't move around at will, if there is an instruction, I will use your brain."

The sound of the torrential rain was mixed with the roaring thunder, and the cold voice was calm and firm, so that everyone could hear it clearly.


Everyone responded in unison, and with a satisfied wave of their hands, everyone immediately rushed towards their cars.

Emma was finally able to get back in the car and sit for a while, and the trek was exhausting.

They didn't feel tired when fighting the zombies, but after such a long journey, they felt like they were about to break half of their legs.

Leng Su protected Gu Chen, tried to make him less rainy, and walked to the car to let Gu Chen get in the car first.

Chen Mo followed the two of them and got into the car, but Bai Qi was thrown to the end.

Bai Qi, who seemed to have been forgotten by everyone, silently followed Chen Mo into the car, his whole body was soaked in the rain, his skin itself was very white, and now the wet clothes were reflected, and there was a pitiful taste.

But no one paid attention to him now, and as soon as Leng Su got into the car after Gu Chen, he quickly took out a dry towel and wiped the rain on Gu Chen's body.

If it weren't for someone in the carriage, Leng Su would probably have taken out dry clothes directly and asked Gu Chen to change them in.

Seeing that Gu Chen was a little shivering from the cold, Leng Su couldn't help but feel a little distressed, wrapped Gu Chen in a dry towel and hugged him tightly in his arms.

Originally, the weather in early summer was not very cold, but this rainstorm was too heavy and there were strong winds.

After being soaked in the rain and then blown by the wind, he naturally felt too cold, and Gu Chen was already very afraid of the cold.

Leng Su took out a few dry towels in a row and wiped Gu Chen's body so that it no longer dripped water.

Then he took out a thick blanket and wrapped Gu Chen tightly, so that only one head was exposed.

Then Leng Su just took out a towel, wiped it on his body a few times, and then threw it aside.

Gu Chen's head rubbed against Leng Su's shoulder, feeling very heartwarming.

Because the first thing Leng Su took care of in such a situation was not himself, but him, and took care of him so well, Gu Chen couldn't help but be a little moved.

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