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365 School Bag > The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last Days > Chapter 96 Inexplicable Hostility





Chapter 96: Inexplicable hostility

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After briefly explaining everything, Leng Su turned around and got into the car.

Gu Chen was a little bored waiting in the car, and when he saw Leng Su getting into the car, he pouted dissatisfiedly.

"You explained something big, and you didn't come back until now, I'm almost bored to death."

Leng Su sat down beside him, chuckling and rubbing his hair.

"Don't make a fuss, isn't it all done now, let's leave now."

Gu Chen snorted, in fact, he was just a little bored and complained to Leng Su.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a person outside the car door that he didn't want to see at all.

Chen Mo stood outside the car door and nodded at Gu Chen and Leng Su.

Leng Su bowed slightly, Gu Chen snorted coldly and rolled his eyes, he knew that there would be a team with Leng Su's team, but he didn't expect it to be Chen Mo's team.

Gu Chen silently said in his heart: It's just a bad fate!

It stands to reason that Chen Mo, as the captain of their team, should sit in the same car as Leng Su.

Because they are all leading figures, sitting in the same car can discuss various battle plans at any time, which is understandable.

But why, Bai Qi also has to sit in their car!?

Gu Chen looked at the person who appeared behind Chen Mo with an unkind expression.

As soon as he saw Bai Qi, a little slut, he couldn't help but want to go up and beat him.

In the previous life, if it weren't for Bai Qi's Bichi, how could he have died like this.

Although it is said that because he died in the previous life, this time he encountered Leng Su, which can be regarded as a credit.

But when he thought of his previous life, he died because of a slut's design, Gu Chen couldn't swallow this breath.

Bai Qi looked soft and weak, and followed behind Chen Mo timidly, her fingers still grabbing the corners of Chen Mo's clothes.

Gu Chen rolled his eyes and muttered in a low voice: "It's annoying, why did he come with him, it's really an eyesore!"

His words were heard in Leng Su's ears, Leng Su raised his eyebrows, and leaned into Gu Chen's ear to bite her ear.

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