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"The sound of the alarm? What's going on?

Gu Chen looked at Leng Su suspiciously, not quite understanding what it meant.

"It's the distress signal from before."

Leng Su's eyes flashed with a gleam, and his face was heavy.

They originally planned to help if they met it, and if they didn't meet it, they didn't care.

Now that we've met it, let's go check it out.

Gu Chen thought so, and said so.

In fact, there is another reason why he didn't say it, that is, there has always been a very strong desire in his heart. He wants to go, he wants to go.

Even Gu Chen himself didn't know why he had such thoughts, so he didn't say it.

Leng Su groaned for a moment, because the area shown by the alarm was in the westerly direction, and there was still some distance from here.

If they go now, it means that they may have to be delayed for some time.

But don't save it... Looking at Gu Chen's shiny and expectant eyes, he couldn't speak.

sighed, this matter is full of weirdness, but the matter has come to this, and he can't ignore it.

"The location of the signal is 20 kilometers away from here, let's go over and take a look, and if we really need it, we can help."


According to Leng Su's instructions, the team members who drove turned the car around and drove west along the road.

After lasting for a certain distance, as the signal became stronger and stronger, the alarm sound of the cold light brain became louder and louder.

Because he had to rely on the light brain to find the specific location of the distress signal, Leng Su did not turn off the prompt sound.

Gu Chen listened to this voice, and his head was also roaring, very noisy and chaotic.

Rubbing his temples, Gu Chen's face was very bad, and he fell directly into Leng Su's arms.

Leng Su's face tightened, and he quickly helped Gu Chen to check.

At this time, Gu Cheng's face was very ugly, his lips were pale, his eyes were closed, and he seemed to be trembling.

Leng Su was startled, and quickly patted Gu Chen's cheek.

"Chenchen, what's wrong with you? What's uncomfortable?

Gu Chen's upper and lower teeth slammed together, making a "bang" sound.

Seeing that Gu Chen didn't react, Leng Su was also a little flustered, and called Gu Chen's name repeatedly.

"Chenchen, Chenchen? Don't laugh at me, wake up and open your eyes, look at me, what's wrong with you?

As the destination approached, Gu Chen's state became more and more unstable.

But they are now outside the base, they are out on a mission, and there are no doctors with them, so Leng Su is very anxious, but there is no way.

In the end, when he was close to the destination, nearly ten meters away, Gu Chen couldn't hold back and fainted at all.

Leng Su was startled, raised his hand to probe Gu Chen's snort, his breath was long, and he was obviously asleep.

Leng Su breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully put Gu Chen on the seat.

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