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Chapter 9: It's Meat

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1053Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

As soon as the little man pulled out a tightly wrapped thing in mud, Gu Chen stepped over and grabbed it in his hand.

"It smells so good!"

"Of course, don't look at who did it!"

The little man smiled proudly, but before he could react, Gu Chen had already knocked on the wall a few times, peeling off the outer layer of dried mud, revealing the yellow and clear food inside.

The rich fragrance came out, Gu Chen took a sip of it intoxicated, and felt that his saliva was about to flow out, and then he unceremoniously went up and took a sip.

"Whew, leave me some! That's it!

Gu Chen casually dismantled a chicken neck with his head attached to it, and handed it to the little one casually.

The little man complained with an aggrieved face: "I roasted this whole chicken, and you only gave me such a little!"

Gu Chen raised his eyebrows: "Don't you?" That's right, this one isn't enough for me to eat.

As he said that, he took it back, and the little man was in a hurry, jumped up and grabbed it.

"It's meat at all!"

The two of them gnawed with relish, and in a short time, they wiped out a small chicken.

Gu Chen licked his fingers stained with sauce, and asked as if unintentionally, "I said, where did you get the chicken?" There is still a farm in the base?

You must know that since the zombies began to riot, people all over the world have not been spared, most of them have been ruined, and it is already a great luck in misfortune to be able to save their lives.

Not to mention things like poultry, which have long been abandoned in the flight of human beings, infected by viruses, and almost extinct.

Even if the part is not extinct, it can no longer be eaten because it is infected with the virus.

As a person who hasn't tasted meat for a long time, suddenly eating meat, it's still such a delicious roast chicken, it's really a taste of the marrow.

Gu Chen is now thinking in his heart, knowing where there is a farm, and he will have to visit more in the future.

The little man was sucking his fingers that still smelled of flesh with an aggrieved face, and when he heard Gu Chen's question, he immediately became excited.

"You don't know, how difficult it is for me to find this chicken and bring it out!"

Turning his nose at the exaggeration of the little one, Gu Chen sneered: "Isn't it just a chicken, it's a big deal to smash them to death with a spar, can you still get it?!"

Hedron is a translucent crystalline object found in the heads of zombies during the battle between humans and zombies.

As long as this kind of thing is removed, the zombie will be wiped out immediately. As a result, humans used this spar as a new currency to exchange for goods.

The little pouted and pouted: "This thing can't be exchanged for a spar." I'm telling you, you've eaten my chicken, and you're going to have to keep it a secret for me!

Gu Chen looked puzzled: "What the hell?"

"No wonder Researcher Li got angry in the base a few days ago and said that someone stole away the chicken he was doing experiments on, it turned out to be you."

The two people squatted on the ground and whispered, and suddenly a voice came from behind them, and the two people stiffened, sighing that they were careless, and they didn't even notice when they walked behind them.

Immediately, Gu Chen was frightened by what he said, and immediately reacted, jumped up directly from the spot, and lay in the corner of the wall and retched with his throat.

Seeing Gu Chen's reaction, Leng Su frowned, and his sharp eyes swept over the petrified little man who was still squatting on the ground.

The little man immediately moved back in horror, wishing that the whole person was sticking to the wall, crying and mourning: "It's none of my business, I will eat it too!"

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