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Something that even the captain has never seen before, how powerful it must be!

Because Leng Su kept going out on missions, I don't know how many battles I have participated in, but I climbed to my current position step by step.

On the other hand, Leng Su has seen a lot more things than them.

But now, Leng Su actually said that he had never seen such a thing, how could he not make them creepy.

"That's... So what are we going to do..."

Leng Su ignored Xiao Dengzi, and instead squatted down.

The trail from before meandered all the way here, and finally disappeared in front of the cliff.

This shows that there is something strange about this cliff.

Leng Su's eyes narrowed, and he picked up a stone the size of a fist from the side, and threw it at the place where the traces had disappeared.

Almost instantly, another vine stretched out, directly wrapped around the stone, and immediately crushed into powder.

Leng Su squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth hooked up a sneer.

The vine just now suddenly pulled out, revealing a hole as well.

Because it had been tightly wrapped in vines before, I didn't find it.

Xiao Dengzi also saw it, first cheered, and then his mood was low again, and he looked at Leng Su in frustration.

"Captain, they're so powerful, how do we get in?"

Leng Su suddenly turned on his light brain, and the distress signal on the light brain was still flickering.

And the distance shows that it is in this hole in front of him.

Leng Su narrowed his eyes and looked arrogant.

"Hmph, everything in the world is mutually reinforcing, and I'm afraid I won't find a way to get in?"

Xiao Deng Zi immediately looked adoring, staring at Leng Su with star eyes.

Leng Su glanced at the big man, and the big man nodded.

He took a step forward, raised the bazooka on his shoulder, and blasted it out at the location of the hole that had just been exposed.

Tongues of fire gushed out, fangs and claws rushed towards the plant.

The plant couldn't dodge it, and it was immediately partially burned.

Almost immediately, they heard a scream similar to that of a cat being stepped on its tail and its fur torn.

Listening to this strange voice, the expressions on everyone's faces were distorted.

Xiao Deng Zi was even more trembling, and jumped directly behind Leng Su with an arrow step.

At this time, he is really the captain with the highest force value, which is more reassuring!

Gu Chen, who was originally asleep, was also awakened by this poignant sound.

Blinked in confusion, Gu Chen hadn't reacted yet, what was the situation now.

Leng Su carefully put Gu Chen down, helped Gu Chen to stand up, and then squinted his eyes and looked at the plant that had been burned by the fire.

A few of the leaves that were dodged were too late, so the burned leaves, almost immediately, turned into fly ashes.

The plants screamed loudly, and the vines shook violently.

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