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Chapter 12: Be Good to Me

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1054Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

"What's wrong?"

Leng Su frowned and interrupted Gu Chen's fugue, his voice was cold, but he listened carefully but had a faint concern.

At that moment, Gu Chen's body suddenly had a dejected aura, and his mood was so low that Leng Su wanted to destroy it desperately.

Gu Chen came back to his senses, glanced at the indifference, but the coldness in his eyes did not hide his concern, and his mood suddenly improved.

Well, he is no longer the Gu Chen he used to be, and Leng Su will not become Chen Mo in the previous life, and God treats him well.

"It's nothing, it's just that I suddenly remembered everything I used to do."

Leng Su stretched out his arm and scooped Gu Chen into his arms, stretched out his hand and rubbed Gu Chen's head.

"I'll have it later."

Gu Chen was stunned, and suddenly felt the urge to cry in a trance.

Stretched out his arm and hugged Leng Su's waist tightly, his head rubbed coquettishly on his chest, and his eyes slowly turned red.

In order to hide his fluctuating emotions, Gu Chen deliberately said fiercely: "Let me tell you, you have been my person all your life, you can't leave me in the future, you must do your best to be good to me!"

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Gu Chen tightened his arm around Leng Su's waist, and his tone was low.

"If you don't like me anymore, please tell me, don't let me be like a fool who doesn't know anything and keeps pestering you."

Leng Su's eyebrows twisted, Gu Chen's tone was very lonely, he felt distressed for a while when he heard it, and he could only rub his soft hair comfortingly to comfort him.

"No, it won't."

Gu Chen said sensationally for a long time, but Leng Su replied to him, and he stretched out his slender claws in anger and scratched Leng Su's waist.

This time it doesn't hurt or itch Leng Su, but it hurts to scratch people's hands.

Gu Chen was indignant: "Really, it's okay to fix so many muscles, my hands hurt when I'm tired."

Leng Su chuckled, took Gu Chen's hand and checked, except for the fingertips that were slightly red, the slender and white skin was good-looking.

Leng Su took Gu Chen's hand and kissed it on the lips, Gu Chen's hand shook, and a red cloud crept up on the tip of his ear.

Gu Chen was embarrassed to break free, but his strength was no match for Leng Su, and he was easily suppressed by him.

Leng Su put his ear in front of Gu Chen: "If you get angry in the future, you will bite here."

Gu Chen looked at the beautiful ears in front of him in a daze, pursed his lips, leaned over and bit it gently.

Finally, I couldn't bear to take a heavy mouth, and after biting, I was afraid that he would hurt, so I licked it gently on the tooth mark.

Leng Su's body shook, and his breathing suddenly increased.

Gu Chen chuckled: "Leng Su, you are so good, how can I be willing to leave you in the future."

The corners of Leng Su's lips hooked slightly: "Then don't leave, we will not be separated in this life."

The circles under his eyes began to flush again, Gu Chen chuckled, pretending to be fierce, but there was a nasal tone in his voice.

"I'm telling you, I'm going to be entangled with you in this life, and you don't want to get rid of me!"

"Okay, don't dump."

"Also, you will listen to me in the future and spoil me!"

"Okay, pet."

"The most important thing is that you can't hide anything from me, you have to tell me everything, and you can't have secrets!"

Leng Su paused, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his hands tightened around Gu Chen's arms.

Gu Chen waited for Leng Su to reply, so he became angry and pushed Leng Su away.

"Are you hiding something from me?"

Leng Su rubbed his head: "How could it be."

"Then you just..."

Leng Su took him into his arms again, hugged him tightly, and a dark light flashed under his eyes: "I was just distracted just now."

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