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Chapter 15 Viral Agents

Title: The Healing System of Rebirth in the Last DaysAuthor's Name: Luojia Mushroom Liang Chapter Word Count: 1058Update Time: 2022-12-27 19:53:40

"Teacher, Captain Leng is here."

Kobayashi tugged at a man's sleeve and motioned for him to look back.

"Let him wait for me for two minutes, this genome is almost finished."

A man in a white coat, with round thick bottle-bottom eyes, slightly gray hair, but very energetic, did not say a word.

It seems that he is the most powerful researcher Li in the legendary country.

Gu Chen in the previous life has been following Chen Mo's group, constantly going out on various tasks. Even in order to be able to help Chen Mo share his worries, Gu Chen took the initiative to go out to do tasks for Chen Mo many times.

He has been out fighting zombies for a long time, so that he has never been to the depths of this base, let alone these researchers who are focused on protecting and only operate inside the base.

Xiao Lin grimaced and smiled apologetically at them.

"I'm really sorry, our teacher is such a temper, don't mind. This experiment has been going on for several days without sleep, and the results are finally coming out, so I pay more attention to it..."

Leng Su obviously saw this situation often, and nodded to Xiao Lin to signal that he knew, so he let Xiao Lin get busy.

Xiao Lin went out before, he had something to do, and seeing that the two of them were not too embarrassed, he was also relieved and left in a hurry.

Leng Su patted the back of Gu Chen's hand to reassure him.

"Wait a little longer, it's okay anyway."

Gu Chen knew that Leng Su was afraid that he would dislike boredom and blow up.

In fact, Gu Chen was not a little impatient with Researcher Li asking him to wait a little longer.

Because Gu Chen clearly remembered that in the previous life, it was Researcher Li who developed a preparation to inhibit zombie poison, which brought a ray of light to the world that was already devastated at that time.

Zombies mutated by viruses have a strong ability to infect viruses, as long as they are bitten by zombies, they are basically not saved, and eventually they will be devoured by the virus without exception and become a member of the zombies.

After being bitten by a zombie, the only solution is to send him on his way in time, so that the infected person will suffer less.

Later, it was not until researcher Li developed a preparation that could inhibit the spread of the virus that the situation improved.

Although it is said that in the end, the virus cannot be eliminated, and the limb can only be amputated, or local paralysis can be carried out to prevent the virus from spreading, which is much better than being infected with the virus and eventually becoming a zombie.

Well, calculate the time, the day when the preparation will be born should be in the near future.

Therefore, Gu Chen has respect for this old man who has devoted his life to the benefit of mankind.

Seeing that Gu Chen didn't mean any dissatisfaction, Leng Su took his hand, took him aside, and let him sit on the sofa to rest.

Leng Su clearly knew that the minutes that Researcher Li said were generally counted as hours.

Without waiting for the things in his hand to be completely out and over, Researcher Li generally ignored what was going on outside the window and ignored no one.

Sure enough, as Leng Su expected, a few hours passed, and Gu Chen's buttocks were numb, and Researcher Li cheered.

"It worked!"

Suddenly, there were shouts and cheers in the research institute.

Even Gu Chen and Leng Su were infected by this joy, and unconsciously stood up and applauded with the excited crowd.

An old researcher with a hunched waist and a gray beard even burst into tears on the spot.

"Great, great, it's finally been researched, and humanity will be saved in the future!"

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, it turned out that today was the birth day of antiviral agents.

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