Chapter 1

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A nightmare - A criminal - A psycho 


"Bunny, c'mon we're going to be late." A mother called her son from downstairs with a rush in her tone.

"I'm coming." The little boy called to her as he took his backpack and threw it over his back. He ran down stairs with a smile on his face

The sun was shining brightly through the glass panes of a big house. Flowers blooming in the garden bed. Not a cloud in the sky.

A bright day for happiness. The day of Lee Minho's Birthday.

"Say bye to your father." The mother smiled, taking the backpack from the little boy.

"Okay!" The boy gave a cheeky bunny smile before going to hug the man standing on the porch. "Bye Daddy!" He laughed while the father kissed the little boy's cheek. The little boy looked at the baby his father was holding. His little brother was a few months old. "Bye bye Lixie." He gently kissed the sleeping baby's forehead.

"C'mon Min, we're gonna be late." His mom was waiting for him in the car.

"Bye Min." The father waved off to his mother and son as they left for the boy's school.

The car ride was peaceful, the mother and her son had a fun conversation.

"Mommy." Min called.

"Yes love?" His mother responded by paying attention to the road.

"What's it like being in love?" The boy asked whole heartedly.

"Hmm, it's.... Beautiful. It's the one thing I would never regret." The mother smiled. Her smile was just like the little boy's. Both like cute little bunnies. "Why are you asking all of a sudden?"

"I like someone at school......"

"Oh really? Who is it?"

"It's.... A boy." Min confessed looking down at his red sneakers.

"A boy?" The mom asked, a little surprised.

"Yeah, are you mad?" The boy asked, scared for the love he may lose.

"Of course not baby, why would mommy be mad? Mommy thinks you're beautiful, just like your heart."

"You can see my heart!?" The little boy's smile was gleaming brighter than the sun.

"I don't need to see your heart to believe it's beautiful because I know it is." The mother smiled using her spare hand to hold Minho's. "So who is this boy?"

"It doesn't matter." Minho looked out the window, the smile dropping.

"Why?" The mother asked, looking at her son worriedly.

"There was a boy who said he likes boys and everyone started to say mean things to him. Even the boy I like....."

"Min...." the mother looked at her son sadly. She was gonna help him. She looked back at the road but it was all too fast. A truck had driven into them on the mother's side. The car did a flip and the windows were shattered. After several hits to the car it stopped. Minho looked to see the woman he loved so much. Her forehead was bleeding. The car was upside down and Min was losing consciousness. Blood clotted his head.

"Mommy...." His mind drifted off after speaking his last words.

— —

Minho woke up to the same dream, the dream that's been haunting him for many years. His young adult mind couldn't let it go. Tears were clung to his cheeks as they streamed down.

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