Chapter 39

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My ass fucking hurt

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My ass fucking hurt.

Bang and I had been fucking for god know how long and my ass hurt like a bitch. I had to admit Bang really was good in bed. But now I was in my apartment and Bang had dropped me off yesterday, how the hell did he get in anyway? I woke up to find a slice of chocolate cake with an americano next to it.

Grateful, but confused.

My ass hurts but It's a great time to go and drop by to see Lee. I don't know if Bang would be there. If he was, then great. I could annoy the shit out of him. I took my coat and keys while walking out of my apartment.

December was getting near, which meant Christmas and the new year was also close. I was pretty hyped up for it. I clicked the keys and found my bike pretty fast. It was in the same parking space it usually was at. Convenient for me since my memory sucked ass.


I rang Lee and Bang's door bell patiently waiting for someone to answer. It took a little less than 5 minutes for some asshole to open it. My patience tolerance isn't on a high scale.

'H-hwang?" I looked up to see Lee in a pair of sweat shorts and a black shirt that looked a bit big on him.

"Is that your shirt? . .?" I asked, pointing to his chest. Lee blushed before shaking his head.

"No. . . I lost a game of connect four and I had to do Hanbin Hyung's dare." Lee avoided my eyes looking to the ground. It's been a while since I've seen him this flustered.

"Does Bang know. . . ?" I asked, holding back a chuckle.

"He's asleep. . . I had to sneak in." Lee was a bit nervous. "Why are you here?" He asked looking up.

"I just felt like it, plus I'm bored." I shrugged while walking in. But my dumbass fucking limped.

"Are you okay?" Lee asked.


"I don't think so." Lee said, shutting the door behind me.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's not like you have to hide it." Lee started. I turned to see him but he had a soft smile on his face. "Bang came back the other night, and his neck was full of hickeys."


"I'm not mad," Lee said, giving me another smile before walking upstairs.

"Wait!" I said a bit louder than I intended to. "Do you have a friend over?" I asked.

"Yeah?" Lee said hesitantly.

"Nevermind, I'll just annoy Bang." I sighed. Lee nodded before continuing his path.

I fucked up.

And so did Bang.

I looked up the staircase to find it empty. I felt a piece of guilt in my heart. I did care about Lee and Bang, I just had no fucking clue why it was both of them. I've never really caught feelings for anyone. I had no clue what was happening and it irritated me.

I walked upstairs to Bang's room. I stopped by Lee's and took a peek since the door was slightly open. Lee was smiling widely, holding his stomach and laughing. There was another guy who was dancing quite weirdly but I didn't give a shit.

I wanted to be a reason where Lee could laugh like that, so freely.

I left going to Bang's room in misery. I was gonna make it up to Lee, which meant I was gonna drag Bang into this. Step one: Wake him up.

I busted open the door to see Bang hugging a pillow with his black blanket covering up to his shoulders. Bang looked kind of . . . . . . . cute? Fuck no. I'm never going back to that thought.

"Wakey wakey!" I took the pillow he hugged, hitting him with it.

"What the fuck?" Bang groaned, covering himself in his blanket.

"Let's go to the hot springs!" I said, trying to contain my excitement. I didn't want Lee to hear this.

"Why?" He said getting up ruffling his hair.

"Lee looks bummed." I answered by lowering the pillow and sitting down with it. It smelled like Bang, the chill cologne.


"Are you really saying you don't care about your own fiance?" I asked, raising a brow scanning Bang's reaction.

"And what if I am?" He snapped.

"You're impossible." I sighed letting myself fall back.

"Fine." Bang gave in. "Let's go." He said rubbing his temples. I laughed seeing how distressed he looked.

"Great!" I said smiling knowing I won this at least.

"Next time, I should fuck you to the point you can't even think properly." I heard Bang mumble.

"So there's a next time?" I smirked knowingly. Bang glared at me before flipping me off.

"I'm taking a shower." He said heading to his bathroom.

"Can I–"


I laughed at Bang reaction, I was obviously joking. I decided to go to Lee so I could talk it out. When I went to his room he was by himself scrolling through his phone.

"Lee?" I said opening the door slowly.

"Huh?" He looked up. "What is it?" He asked, putting his phone aside.

"Where's your friend?" I asked.

"It was getting late so he left." He answered swiftly.

"Alright." I said. It was awkward between us. I didn't know what to say. "You wanna join me and Bang tomorrow?" Lee's eyes lit up with a grin spreading across his lips.


"Yes, really." I smiled. I went closer to him, laying my head on his lap. If I looked at Lee right now then I'd get flustered myself.

"Oh." Lee said but soon after I felt his fingers trail through my hair. "Your hair is soft."

"I know."

"Like really soft."

"I'm aware."

"You should dye it." Lee said out of the blue.

"Dye it?" I opened my eyes looking directly at Lee.

"Yeah." Lee said, avoiding my eyes and staring at my locks.

"I'll think about it." I haven't dyed my hair before, I'm curious what I would dye it to. "You have a color in mind?"

"Maybe blond or brown?" Lee suggested.

"Mmm, what about you?" I asked. "You sticking to platinum?"

"That's a secret," he giggled softly. It's like time stopped, Lee's lips stretched out revealing his teeth. His eyes were squinted and I couldn't stop looking. A pleasant light on Lee, he looked so fucking beautiful.

I could stare at him forever.

"Is there something on my face?" Lee asked, tilting his head.

"Fucking beauty." I blurted out, still mesmerized. Lee could easily win a beauty pageant even if it was meant for girls. It's not that I classify Lee as a female but his beauty could easily over power them.

"Oh. . . thanks." Lee blushed looking up to the ceiling.


The next few chapters are hyping me up 😍

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