Chapter 9

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I woke up, my head was banging

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I woke up, my head was banging. I felt gross and icky, my clothes hadn't changed but my room sure did. Was this even my room? Where was I? I was too lazy to get up, my headache had reached another level of pain, and my body was aching.

"Aahh fuck," I groaned in pain when I tried to get up, my back was soar. I looked at the black nightstand, the clock displayed 10:13 AM. Well fuck, I jumped off the bed not wasting anymore time even though I felt like shit.

I quickly walked out of the black room and to be met with a fucking black hallway. Is there no color in this house? I sighed continuing my way until a maid had came by.

"Young master," She smiled, "Good morning, did you sleep well?"

I slept ass, but I wasn't gonna say that.

"Yes, thank you for asking..... Where am I?" I asked knowing I'd probably sound really dumb.

"What do you mean? This is your home?" She tilted her head confused. Her facial expression changed after a few seconds, "Ahh, I understand now. Let me rephrase what I said, "This is your new home." She smiled.

"New?" I asked in disbelief. Am I still dreaming? Is this heaven?

"Yes, you moved in with Mr.Bang, did no one tell you?" She asked.


"Well you have a guest waiting for you downstairs, Mr.Bang had left for work about 2 hours ago." She left the hallway going back to her duties. What the actual fuck is happening to me? Screw my life. If this was my new home, I'm sure my clothes would be here. With no surprise, they were..... In a big ass closet.

There were two sides decked out with my shirts and pants. Well I'll be damned. This place might actually not be so bad, I pulled a tan colored sweatshirt on and a brown shirt right over, as a bottom I took a black baggy jeans putting it on. Nice and simple. I was too lazy to take a shower, and I had a fansign today so I can just do it at the company. I left not bothering to brush my hair out since it looked okay. I walked down the blackhall way in search of the way downstairs.

After a few seconds I found my way and walked down the black staircase. Everything was still black, to the vases, curtains..... Wait. The kitchen counter was made of gray marble. It's still a boring color though.... Bang is really into black.

I saw my brother on the stools of the island.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He smiled, pushing a bowl of hangover soup to me.

"Eat, you need it I'm sure." He smiled cheekily, I rolled my eyes taking a seat next to him. The food was still warm, I took the spoon scooping some food in and shoving it into my mouth. "How is it?"

"It's okay," I finished up the bowl and slid it away. "Now why am I here?"

"Didn't anyone tell you?" Felix was scrunching his brows.

"Well yeah.... But why do I have to live with that guy?" I grimaced thinking about him.

"Cause he's your fiance, you'll get used to it." He took his phone out checking the time. "Come, I'll drop you." He got up leaving, I sighed before following him. He's the younger brother but look at where this is going.

It was a silent ride to the company, it took us about 5 minutes to leave the small forest. I liked that it was closed out from everyone. I thought about work for a second, Hanbin hyung would have been all out at me for being late. I laugh crept onto my face, Hanbin hyung was basically my best friend..... Besides my lovely James in the backseat.

"I'm you little brother, say something." Felix shattered the silence.

"You don't seem to act like one," I barely looked at him.

"You want me to act all bratty and innocent?" He looked at me when the signal lights turned red.

"No, I just think you should stop babying me." I stated, I knew I was gonna lose this conversation. I wasn't gonna lose without a little fight though.

"I'm not babying you, you just need that kind of attention," He started the car again.

"I don't need it," I whispered, my eyes started to get watery when my memories kept shifting from my late mother to my wretched father.

"Wait hyung," Felix looked at me stopping the car on the side of the highway. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Please don't cry." He cupped my cheeks, wiping the tears. He really would make a great older brother, but here I am crying like a baby.

"It's not your fault," I removed his hands from my face, wiping the tears. "I'll get over it eventually."

"You have me," Felix smiled. "Every step of the way."

I was one of the luckiest people to have Felix as a brother.

"Thank you little bro," I giggled. 

I was at the warehouse, everything was a mess

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I was at the warehouse, everything was a mess. People had been working all night trying to resolve the problem. Somehow, it also ended up leaked on the news. My father had been calling me all morning but I declined his calls, I didn't need his yelling ringing in my ear right now.

I've been stressed about this all morning since I ditched the problem last night and drank with the Lee's. That was truly entertaining I must say. Not everyday where you see Lee Minho drunk and insulting his fiance, I grinned at the thought. He was really cute I will admit. The thought of him under me still hadn't left my mind. I really was whipped for my enemy.

I still don't get why parent's loathed the Lee's, my father never would tell me. He just shit talked to them all day. I'd say it's jealousy, but I don't want to admit someone is better than me so I stayed quiet.

"Boss, we found something." One of my men called me.

"What is it?" I looked at the dead body in front of me.

"Do you know anything?"

There's no way, it can't be him......

I'm fucked. 


  A little short chapter but hey 😀🤚

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