Chapter 30

888 73 27

I was running, my breath ragged hitting the cold air

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I was running, my breath ragged hitting the cold air. Park and I were so close. There were two of them that we spotted. Choi and the other two had gone after one while Park and I were going for the other bitch.

It just so happened to be raining in Busan, my hair was drenched as were my clothes. Park was a bit more dry considering he wore a northface hood. The crook turned around the corner but by the time we got there he was gone. Disappeared.

I clenched my hair pushing it away from my forehead.


"It's alright," I cut Park off. He seemed to be angry, a vein popping on his neck. "We'll get him next time." I assured him. Park looked a bit confused with my emotions. I took my phone from my pocket and rang up Riki. The other line had picked up oddly fast.

"We lost him." Well fuck.

"It's alright we've got some ideas now." I said declining the phone. The rain hasn't stopped. I checked the time, 6:18PM. Lee's concert was starting in 15 minutes. I definitely wasn't gonna make it. I highly doubt the train would reach that fast.

Looking up to the sky, the small droplets of water falling down among the city. The skyscrapers cut into the sky, lighting up the city night.

I heard a scream of pleas from the corner, I could barely heard it with the wind howling.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Park who nodded his head, signing 'no'. Am I hearing things? I started to walk to where the sounds were producing from. A lady was kicking some men in black, screaming for help.

I took no hesitation and kicked the men away, I looked at them groaning in pain holding their groins.

"Ah, thanks," The lady smiled, fixing her shirt. She had a boy-like cut, with her sharp feminine features. There was an ambulance right behind her, I do wonder why.

"Sure," I sighed, walking away.

"Can I help you to pay my debt?" She asked.

"Not much I can get help with," I said dryly. I had zero chances of making it back to Lee's concert. I guess I'm a bit upset now, I smiled sadly looking at the fog come down.

"Do you need a ride? This baby can get us anywhere pretty fast." She said joyfully, lightly tapping the white vehicle.

"All the way to Seoul?" I asked playfully, raising a brow.

"If that's where you need to be, sure." She said smiling.

"That is about a 4 hour drive." I said dead-panning.

"With traffic," she added. "I can turn on the siren and make it in 2 hours. Is that good enough?" She asked.

I looked back at the time on my phone at 6:25PM.

"Let's go," I said. I'd text Park to go to the train now but I can always do that later. Now that I think about it, how the fuck does she have an ambulance.

"Where did you get this from?" I asked as she started and the siren wailed through the rainy evening.

"I stole it," She smiled, sticking a lollipop in her mouth. Now that I think about it, she does look oddly familiar. "Call me Xo," She said, taking a sharp left.

"You're worth a lot of money, you know." I spoke. I obviously wasn't gonna giver her out, I'm a criminal too.

"I can say the same about you," she kept her eyes on the road and before I knew it. We were already on the highway. I just have to hope that I'll make it in time before it ends.

"Thanks." I thanked her for letting my head fall back on the cushioned seat.

"I should be saying that to you, I'm just a robber. Not a bulky one." Xo seemed pretty chill.

"Nice hair you got there." I complimented her.

"Thanks, It's fresh." She spoke happily pushing her raven hair back. She had streaks of blue running through her hair. 

"You are a girl right?" I asked with a hint of doubt. This generation was pretty random. Identifying themselves as a fucking Walmart bag. 

"Do I look like someone who'd have a dick?" She said, raising a brow and barely turning her eyes to me.

"Maybe," I said not knowing what escaped my lips.

"You're funny, but I'm intersex. I happened to have dick with a pair of boobs." She spoke bluntly. Not a very gentle personality. She had absolutely no filter. 

"Right. . ." 

I finished my new song but still, no Hwang

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I finished my new song but still, no Hwang. I looked at the small watch on my wrist. 7:10PM. Hwang wasn't planning on ditching right? I smiled off the bit of sadness focusing back on my concert. I wasn't planning on making it that long, singing some of my old songs and doing a few covers.

I looked at a sign a fan was holding.


I smiled giving a finger heart. I'm glad I had thousands of people who admired me. But it hurt to say they might have only liked me for my looks and music. Not for who I really am.

. . .

Time passed, It might have been about 30 minutes since I last checked the time. I've sang my old songs and no one looked bored in the slightest. I've made eye contact with Bang countless times. He never broke off the gaze which made my face blush.

Don't get me wrong, I do find myself attracted to Bang. It stings knowing that he won't see me the same way. And Hwang, something is different about Hwang. I started speaking again. 

"The staff had given me sets of covers to do tonight, and. . ." I paused, smiling cheekily. "A new dance trend called Don't go insane, is one of them." I said, smirking. Everyone started to scream which made sense since the choreo was with a belt and gave out the 'sexy' vibe. I do wish Hwang was here to see it since I thought of him when I considered doing this song.

I guess I'll just hope he'll make it wherever he is. 


Anyone want any spoilers lol 🤭

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