Chapter 3

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The party was quite boring I must say. Women would surround me attempting to seduce me. It was quite annoying. I held the glass of wine in my hand bringing it to my lips. I took a small sip, the alcohol here was disgusting. I loathed these parties, but I had to go for the sake of my business.

"Mr.Bang." Han called me, he was my assistant, and my closest friend. Well more like my only friend since everyone left because they were terrified of me.

"Yes?" I turned around to see him.

"Your father is calling you, he wants you to return to seoul." Jisung kept a poker face but he was far from intimidating. More like a mysterious person.

"I'm not going." I answer simply by turning back around to see the host getting up on the stage.

"He says it's important, he's also threatening your company." Jisung whispered the last part. Well fuck. I'm not about to go on an 11 hour flight just to see his request.

"Fine," I'm not risking the company for his antics. The host started to speak, it was a white old man. His grin was evil. He had no good in his heart, neither did I. I'm just your local psycho who loves to see pain in people more than anything.

"Thank you all for coming to my launch party, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have for me." The old geyser ruff voice took over the mic on the stage.

Interviewers started to interrogate the old man, he kept that smile plastered on his face. I highly doubt he can survive the whole night, and I mean literally. Too many people are going after this man, his unpaid debts, loan sharks.

This is the night I get to see him crumble, but sadly I had to take me leave. I set the glass of wine down while taking my leave. That is until a red head blocked my way, she wore a revealing black dress. For the sake of not getting horny I did my best not to at her chest.

"Were you about to leave?" She asked. Honestly, I think she needs to work on her dirty talk. I pulled her hands off me and handed her to a random man. She could never handle me. I was rough when it came to sex. Let's not go deep into that though.

"Is the car here Han?" I asked. fixing my suit that was disturbed.

"It's waiting by the entrance." He put his phone down answering me.

"Good, let's get going. I hate it here." I whispered the last part to myself. I hate it here because very smile is fucking fake. All they want is your money. I could care less about money, I just wanted to unleash torture for those who desrved it, and sometimes the innocent.

I saw a white Mercedes waiting by the large gate. It was hard not to notice it especially at a time like this. Han opened the backdoor for me and I sat on the black leather seats. I slid off the jacket of my suit, placing it beside me. My right hand loosened my tie while the other was scrolling through hundreds of emails. Most of it was work or just scams. My phone dinged, I looked at the top of the text.

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