Chapter 15

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I had driven to my parents house, they wanted to have lunch with Lee and I but I ditched him

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I had driven to my parents house, they wanted to have lunch with Lee and I but I ditched him. I did not want to embarrass myself with my cheesy parents. I knew I'd get a big ass lecture from my mother but that was the least of my problems. I had my projects getting leaked and that was not good. I stopped my car in my parent's driveway.

I got out of my car looking at the rolex watch on my wrist. The small clock handles were far apart. 9:04 AM. I rang the doorbell waiting for someone to open and greet me. It took about two seconds before I heard a click from the other side and the door was opened. My mother had her black hair tied up in a bun. She wore a white dress with black linings. It suited her a lot, she also wore a pair of small hoofed black heels.

"Channie~" My mother called my name in a sweet tone. "Where's Min?" She looked behind me to be greeted with air.

"I-I didn't bring him...." I looked away not wanting to see my mothers face. I heard another pair of footsteps from behind my mother.

"We invited you to bring your fiance and you came alone?" My father raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm your son, not him." I walked in humbly not minding the glare my father gave me. It's not like he'll be mad at me for the rest of his life. He loves me too much.


"You both set me up to get married without even asking me, so can you just let me be. You should be happy I haven't ruined him yet." I cut my mother off, Lee is far too innocent and weak to handle me.

"I know you've had a bad past but give him a chance...." My mother walked to me using a hand cupping my cheek. I leaned in to the touch, I love both my parents but marriage is too much.

"Your sister was excited to hear the news, she thinks you've gotten.......better." My father hesitated to say the last word.

"Oh, so you think I'm a sick psycho now?" I furrowed my brows, a vein forming on my neck. My father looked like he wasn't up for an argument.

"That isn't what I'm saying-"

"Then please enlighten me." I tried to control myself not to yell. "C'mon, say something. My mother looked upset and my father looked worried.

"Chan, you know me and your father just want the best for you–"

"And I have the best, my family is enough for me. Love is out of the question." I turned my back on them heading for the living room. This was the same house I grew up in. I loved it here, but I hated the life I've lived outside of this home.

"Chan." My mother walked up to me. "How about this, just bring him to lunch later. You don't have to talk to him or love him. I just want to get close to him." My mother looked at me. "He looks lonely, he grew up without a mother. I just want to be there hoping I could make a change." My mother looked at me pleadingly.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes taking my phone out. I could tell Han to pick him up.

"You get him, don't shove everything on Jisung." My mother scolded me slightly slapping the back of my head.

"Ow, what the fu–"

"Don't you dare swear at me." My mother pointed her finger at me. My father was in the back laughing. I could tell he missed this. "Tell Jisung to join too, it's been a while since I've caught up with him." My mother headed to the kitchen finishing her demands.

"You don't want to get her angry," My father chuckled while sitting down next to me. He quickly caught on to my silence. "What's wrong son?" He asked genuinely.

"I'm scared."

"Don't be, I'm here for you. Your mother and even Hannah." My father squeezed my shoulder doing his best to comfort me.

"What if it happens again–"

"It won't." My father cut me off by looking me dead in the eye. "I won't let it happen. I'm your father for a reason."

"Thank you dad."

"Of course."

"What are you still doing here?" My mother came back. "Go get him, and bring Han." My mother flashed her spatula at me.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes, getting my ass of the couch. 

Sweat dripped from my forehead

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Sweat dripped from my forehead. My breath was hard and ragged, my heart was racing fast while my breathing was unsteady. My black tank top clung to my abs while my sweat pants made things much hotter.

"You've gotten slower," Tojo laughed at me. His long hair tied up in a bun with strands hanging in front of his forehead.

"Can't blame me." I tried to laugh but my stomach hurt from the punch I took earlier. Tojo had not chosen to go easy on me. I'm still on my feet jumping around and defending myself from any other attacks.

"Who else could I blame?" Tojo had taken his chance to punch my right side. I barely dodged it, feeling the tension of the air around me.

"A dinosaur?" I tried to make a joke but immediately regretted it when Tojo attacked me. "Ahh fuck," I groaned letting my back fall to the to the ground of the boxing ring.

"You're like an amateur now?" Tojo laughed at me humorously.

"Shut it," I got up slowly taking my gloves off and caressing my stomach.

"Take it slow kid," Tojo stepped out the ring. I fell to my back again this time letting my heartbeat return to normal and cool my mind. I closed my eyes hoping the air condition would make contact with my sweaty face.

I felt an ice cold towel fall to my face. It felt like heaven, smiled but the cool left when Tojo lifted it from my face and forced me to sit up.

"You're like a kid, drink." He handed me a water bottle with the cap already gone.

"Thanks," I mumbled. I chugged the water, feeling my throat become hydrated once again.

"Go home and get some rest, and get your ass her tomorrow." Tojo got up.

"Are you gonna be here?"

"I'm always here kid?" He smiled at me.

"What about your wife?"

"She misses you, keeps telling me to invite you for dinner or lunch. Wanne come." He offered. I love Tojo's wife, she is like my mother. I would rather have Tojo and his wife, Mona, as my parents.

"Her cooking skills go hard, of course I'm coming." I got up with the help of Tojo.

"Good thing my ass could pull her." Tojo jokes. I knew he and Mona were really close and I'm sure they still are.

Now time for some heavenly food. 

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