Chapter 33 🖤

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Calm Down
- Rema & Selena-
2:00 ───〇─── 3:59

⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Part 2 🖤

Long ass chapter btw, and my second favorite smut I ever wrote 😌👌

Hwang and I were back at his apartment but I felt zero sexual tension between us

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Hwang and I were back at his apartment but I felt zero sexual tension between us. Wasn't he planning to fuck me earlier? Did it just fly out the window cause I don't wanna stay virgin. I also didn't have the guts to ask him since he'd been in his own world the whole car drive.

All smiley and giggly which definitely scared me.

I sat myself on the couch waiting for him to come back. I let myself take a deeper look into Hwang's living room. A white vase on the coffee table with a white rose arching majestically.

I noticed an envelope on the table, with my dumb curiosity I took it in my hands examining it. It wasn't addressed to anymore nor was it stamped. Just an envelope containing something.

I lifted the upper flap peeking in but I didn't get to see when Hwang came back with a glass of water and a speaker. What was he planning to do with that?

"Take a sip." He slid the glass to me and subtly took the mail and put it on the island behind him.

"What's that?" I blurted, accidentally letting the words slip off my tongue.

"Just work," He said simply taking his phone from his pocket. Hwang had a towel on his head, I do realize he was drenched when I first saw him at the concert. And he was terribly late as well.

"Where were you?"

"You're really spamming the questions aren't you princess." He smiled vigorously. I rolled my eyes, continuing to drink my glass of water. As soon as I set it down Hwang stood up. A song started to play in the background.
"Would you like to dance?" He asked, reaching a hand down to me waiting for me to take it.

"I would," I smiled, getting up, taking his hand in my palms. Hwang pulled me up aggressively, his hands immediately going to my waist, letting his forehead rest in the crook of my neck. I took this chance to take in Hwang's scent and let my arms wrap around his shoulders.

This was definitely not what I was expecting, not even on the top hundred. But that didn't mean I didn't like it, in fact, I fucking loved it.

Hwang looks far from the romantic type but this was probably the closest thing he could do to get cheesy.

I recognized the song in the background now, Calm Down, I've listened to it a lot. The song does set the mood here, far from rainbows and unicorns.

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