Chapter 4

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Happy me day!! 
Double update <3

I was relaxing on my soft bed, I hadn't felt this comfortable in a year

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I was relaxing on my soft bed, I hadn't felt this comfortable in a year. I had to head to the warehouse and then my parent's place later. That would be a pain in the ass, but hey. Life is a bitch.

I heard a light knock on my door.

"Come in," I groaned knowing exactly who it would be.

"Long time no see, old man," A female voice giggled at me. My younger sister. She had long straight black hair rolling of her back. Her mouth was wide, and lips were plump. Her eyes reminded me a lot of a cat.

"What do you want?"

"Why would I want anything from you? I'm just here to tell you that Mom and Dad found out you left prison." Yeji smirked.

"Oh did they now," My parents were both workaholics. They care about money, reputation, and wealth. They both retired but they keep getting their ass in shit that has nothing to do with them. Yeji took over the family business my mother ran, and I took over the mafia that my father did.

"I think they–" Her sentence was interrupted by a ring at the doorbell. Great. I'll end up listening to a 10 hour long lecture. "I'll go answer it," She sighed. Even though Yeji did nothing, she's still gonna get yelled at. My parent's could care less about what we do, unless it affects our reputation.

I followed her to my living room, I was already tired of the shitty life I lived.

"Do you know how hard it is to hide the fact that you're a criminal?" My mother started to yell at me the moment the door opened. It was always like this, complaints, and complaints after another. They were never pleased, not with me at least. Yeji was the favorite, but that doesn't mean she could get out of trouble.

"It's not like I wanted to be one," I yelled back, I didn't care what would happen to me. I'm not a coward, I'm just tired.

"It was never your choice to begin with," My father joined in the argument. He was never good at anything, other than being a dick.

"You are a Hwang, so act like it." My mother gritted her teeth. This was one of the rare occasions where Yeji wasn't mentioned at all.... Or so I thought.

"Why can't you be like Yeji? She's younger but so much more mature." My father pointed to the girl standing next to me. Yeji didn't say anything, we were pretty close if you ask me.

"You're lucky we covered up everything," My mother rubbed her forehead clearly stressed, I didn't give a fuck. She could go jump of a building for all I care, hell, I could push her off right now.

"Are you done?" I asked, annoyed. They just looked at me, I felt another round of insults coming but Yeji interrupted.

"Mom, I have work left undone, I'll take my leave." She bowed before making her exit. I wasn't mad at her, I supported her in that decision. I'm the least favorable kid to my parents but the favorite for my younger siblings. I had a younger brother, Yeji was the middle child. Though the middle one is usually forgotten, in her case, she's the favorite. Niki was studying in the states, which meant he would probably visit pretty soon.

"I have work to do, now if you'll excuse me," I looked down with siren eyes. I need to kill some time, and that would be boxing. I had to check the warehouse before though. I would love to quit life and just run away, anyplace that is far from here. Maybe Hawaii?

"There's a party this evening, Yeji will text you the address. You better show up, This is about the Lee's." Again with the Lee's, the hatred they had for each other was on a whole other level. I didn't really have much of a choice so I just agreed. I left walking quickly to the door.

— — —

The warehouse was on the outskirts of the busy city. The place was wreaking of blood, like the slaughter houses at farms. I didn't mind the smell, I mostly enjoyed the pain and pleasure it gave me.

I followed one of my men to the warehouse. Some of our trucks had been hijacked and the drugs have just disappeared from our radars. This is weird, no one dared to mess with the Hwang's other than the Lee's, but the Lee's had no interest in our drug dealings. So they could be marked off, plus Felix wouldn't be a part of that.

"Hwang, we lost over 20 percent of our incomes, dealers keep asking for their money back and we keep losing more when we send alternate trucks." Park informed me, he was one of my trusted men.

"This is new..." I whispered to myself. My father had never dealt with a situation like this, nor did I.

"There's more," He added. There's more? I motioned for him to continue speaking. "The men driving the trucks were found hanging on a street light... naked."

"Naked?" I asked in disbelief. Whoever was messing with me was definitely daring.

"Yes, they were shot directly on their head, but the forensic scientist studied the victims bodies, apparently they were tortured before."

"Tortured how?" I asked looked at him.

"There were small pieces of metal found at scars, and large burns at different body parts." Park gulped, I could tell he was terrified. I felt a small amount of guilt build up in my chest.

"Cut off ties with the drug dealers, and don't send anymore trucks." I ordered. This was the only way I could think to preserve a few lives. I don't really care about humans, except for my siblings and the people who work under me. Love is out of the question.

I felt my phone ding in my pocket, so I took it out. It was Yeji, the address of the party I had to go to. Well, time to get ready. Let's show off my glorious body of tattoos. I laughed at the thought of how angry my mother would be. 

The flight was not too bad, though I wanted to strangle a baby that sat right behind me

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The flight was not too bad, though I wanted to strangle a baby that sat right behind me. Its cries were ringing in my head for 10 hours. Now that was pure hell, but did I care? Fuck yes, kids are on the top of my list of things I would kill. I would never succeed as a parent. If someone doesn't obey me, they're in for it.

I was now at my parent's glorious house, it wasn't fancy or pricey. Just a home for a family, a rich one that is. My parents welcomed me with open arms, I really do love them. They're the only people I would never lay a hand on, plus Han. Everyone else in this world was just pure irritating.

"Chan, are you ready?" It was my korean name that I haven't heard in quite a while. In Austria it would be Mr.Bang or Chris. I personally think my name sounds really hot. No one could change my mind.

My parent's would keep smiling at me through the whole car ride, but I was definitely curios what this party was all about. 

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