Chapter 27 🖤

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- Tomorrow x Together -
2:00 ───〇─── 3:18

⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻ 

It was around 10 o'clock at night, I was driving back home

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It was around 10 o'clock at night, I was driving back home. This time Lee would actually be here. There was no way of getting out of this one, unless I ignored him. Which seems like the logical decision, I do not want to get involved on how he lost his v card.

For some odd reason, my mind couldn't erase the image of Lee in bed. His platinum hair messy, lips pink and bruised. Shirtless on the bed. Begging for more. Him underneath a dim red light. Let's not forget Hwang too, I highly doubt he could dominate me if he wanted to. Plus, I'm not the kind to have someone's dick in their hole. I'm more of the person intruding.

I'm also far from gentle sex, If I fuck you. Then you're getting fucked, no breaks. I don't give two shits about how tired the other one is. Degrading is definitely my thing, but I'm the one who finds enjoyment in talking down. The womans definitely liked being mocked. Can't blame her. We're both kinky motherfuckers.

I don't force it on people either. I'm not that big of an asshole. There's something called warnings. There's only been one woman who seemed to find pleasure in my way. We're not attached emotionally, but we definitely hook up for stress purposes. Lee cannot handle me no matter how desperate he is.

It's been a while since I've talked to her. She's a stubborn woman, and also hates being dominated.

I cleared my thoughts, noticing I arrived back home. I grabbed my keys and jacket. The cold atmosphere immediately cut my face like a clear knife. I really should start wearing a jacket before I end up sick. I felt my nose stiffen up and get blocked by mucus. It'll pass.

I reached the door only to hear shuffling from the other side, with a few faint lewd sound. It faded after a quick 5 seconds. Was it Lee and Hwang? I sighed typing in the pin and hearing the lock click.

The heavy door opened and shut, I was greeted with the plain crispy air of cinnamon. The lamp lights were on in the living room. And Berry was staring at something on the couch. I walked in to see Lee holding a book with his face bright red.

"What are you doing?" I couldn't help but ask.

"R-reading." He stuttered embarrassingly

"It's upside down, sunshine," I raised my brow, smirking. I word I didn't mean to say happened to slip along too, well fuck.

Lee instantly flipped it back pretending to read the words printed on the paper. I held back a snort, Lee was quite the mix. His eyes were focused on the book, his brows furrowed. Berry was next to me looking between the two of us. It was unpleasantly quiet.

"Is Hwang here?" I asked. There had to be a reason behind the sounds I heard and the way Lee's face is.

"No. . ." He answered. "He's busy with whatever apparently." I nodded.

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