Chapter 20

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It's a full moon outside! 


Sunday morning, I was bored to death

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Sunday morning, I was bored to death. Bang hadn't left his room at all. He didn't leave the house either. I would be curious what he was doing but I didn't want myself to be caught up in all that trouble.

Berry was sleeping on the floor by the large sliding door to the backyard. It was bright outside, but also freezing cold. I had no clue what to do, Hanbin Hyung had gone to visit his parents. Felix said he had work to do, he always does. I don't get why he lets himself drown in work. I know my father wouldn't force that much on him. Those are the only people I ever hang out with, Bang just hates me.

I sighed, I'll just take a shower.

I got up from the couch lazily and walked upstairs, It was quiet in the black hallways. I opened the door of the bathroom which I immediately regretted. I was greeted with Bang having a towel around his waist and his wet hair on his forehead. He noticed me pretty fast, both of us staring at each other. Well, more like me staring at his well defined abs that I keep telling myself to look away from.

"Get out." He snapped. I quickly obeyed slamming the door shut, I'm 100% sure that my face was bright red now. I picked my feet up running to my room, closing it with a lock. That was probably the most embarrassing thing I've ever done here.

I let my body fall down to the bed screaming into my pillow. How I wish I could go back in time and erase all my mistakes. Wait, this technically isn't my fault. He didn't lock the door, so I'm to blame right?

I heard a heavy knock on my bedroom door. I refuse to open it, I don't need him yelling at my face from such an embarrassing action I've made.

"What?" I asked, my voice sounded weak and shamed. I didn't get a response from the other side. Bang is now getting on my nerves. I got out of my bed and walked to the door. I took a deep breath holding the knob turning it. I was greeted with nothing. What the–


"What the fuck?" I fell back yelling from being startled. That was definitely not Bang, his voice would neve imitate what I just heard. I looked up to see a tall black haired male, he had a pair of black cargos with a black shirt.


What the fuck is he doing here? I genuinely looked confused when I saw him smirking at me funny. Behind him was Bang with a black dress shirt and grayish black jeans. Bang was setting his Rolex watch on his hand not looking at me.

"Are you just gonna sit on the floor? Want me to join you?" Hwang teased me.

"No thank you." I got up quickly, flustered from Hwang's words.

"We have business to do, don't stay up." Bang said about walking away with Hwang.

"Why would I wait for you?" I rolled my eyes whispering.

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