Chapter 46 🖤

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Favorite-Isabel LaRosa-1:00 ──〇─── 2:13

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-Isabel LaRosa-
1:00 ──〇─── 2:13

⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

Part 1 🖤

Here ya go you desperate mfs (I still love you <3 )


We were in a taxi now, driving back to the hotel. Except Hwang wasn't with us, he went somewhere blaming it on something important. So Bang and I were in the back seats, the driver was in the front with a middle-blocking wall that separated the back and the front. So if we were to fuck in simple terms, they'd never know unless one of us slips up.

It was a silent ride but that doesn't mean there wasn't any tension going on. While we were viewing the mountain Bang and I had subtle touches that felt like lighting through me.

The black leather seats warmed me up quickly but the air between Bang and I was even hotter making a sweat run down my forehead. It was cold outside but if I stepped out with Bang all that would disappear.

Minho, breathe.

I closed my eyes trying to find a sense of peace in my mind.

That flew out the window as soon as I felt Bang's hand on my thigh squeezing it softly. I looked at Bang slowly but he was scrolling on his phone doing some random shit that I could care less about.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whisper-shouted at him.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He asked keeping his eyes on his phone but his hand went higher, squeezing it a bit harder too.

"Like you're groping my thighs," I deadpan but soft enough so the driver wouldn't hear.

"Then that's what I'm doing." He said simply. I'm sure he was aware of what he was doing considering the driver in front of us. I would punch Bang right now but everything he did was hot for no fucking reason.

"Do you plan on stopping?" I asked innocently so this interaction wouldn't become car sex and we'd get kicked out.

"Nope." He said his hand going higher gently brushing my growing dick. He was doing this on purpose, I could tell. But this definitely was not the place for it.

"We're in a car." I brought up the obvious in hopes of continuing this later.

"And?" He asked. "I don't see a problem." He finally set his phone down and turned his head to me. "Are you perhaps turned on, sunshine?" He smirked. His voice was low and sent me a wave of excitement. The thought of doing it in public without having people know somehow made me . . . hyped up?

"Yes, Yes I fucking am." I breathed, pressing my head back knowing what was to come. I felt Bang's hand slide across my waist behind my back pulling me closer to the point I straddled on his lap with my eyes tightly shut.

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