Chapter 36

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finally his chapter

 We were in Busan, and my boner wasn't any better

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We were in Busan, and my boner wasn't any better. The 2 hour car ride was fucking painful. All I could do was stare at Hwang, and that turned me on more than it should have. My erection wasn't getting any better either.

I had no clue if Hwang felt the same considering how silent he was since our last conversation. But the tension between us was far from little fluffy moments with sparkles.

It was gloomy outside again, like the clouds were ready to take off the heavy wait from their shoulders. Which meant Hwang and I would be soaked again, but Lee wasn't here to give us towels.

We had no clue what we were doing or where we were going. Hwang claims he remembers where he found and lost the person they had chased but we were lost. Not that I had a problem, this shit was boring me out either way. I just wanted to eat, and there was a ramen bar just across the street.

"You're on your own." I remarked before walking across knowing there weren't any cars driving by.

"What?" Hwang said, turning back.

"I'm starving." I didn't want my hunger to be on pause because Hwang's dumbass couldn't pinpoint where it happened.

"So you don't want to find the culprit?" Hwang sounded annoyed. I tried to let his tone get to me.

"I do," I said looking him in the eye, "but I also want to eat." I continued my way across the road and noticed Hwang was right behind me.

"You know if my father finds out about whats happening, I'm fucked right?" Hwang said, his voice going down. Definitely not like his bright and flirty self.

"Hmm?" I said a bit teasingly. I tried to let Hwang's mind drift somewhere else so he wouldn't be too stressed out.

"Are you not even worried?" Hwang started, "You sounded like you cared in the car." He rolled his eyes and walked ahead of me and into the restaurant.

I did care.

I cared so fucking much to the point I even over worked myself to the point I couldn't even get a week of sleep. The stock market was going crazy and my new project that was supposed to make me big money had gotten down. My overworked ass is losing it's stock prices and investors are fucking leaving.

I care about Hwang and Lee so fucking much to the point I can't stop working.

It doesn't make sense, I get it. But you'd have to be me to understand. No one does. And knowing I cared for Hwang and Lee made everything so much more difficult. I didn't want to make myself suffer like I did before. Anything could go wrong at any point.

"I need a smoke." I said leaving the restaurant before the waiter had a chance to seat us. It was raining hardcore now, there was a small little roof area on the whole block outside the building. Which gave me some shade and a place to smoke and maybe kill my lungs.

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