Chapter 6

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I sat right across from Bang, that's right

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I sat right across from Bang, that's right. The Bang Chan who was the director of Bang Entertainment. With my kind of ass luck I had to get married to him.

"What do you do for a living Minho dear?" His mother asked me with a wide smile on her face.

"I'm a soloist...." I didn't know what else to say, I do sing not as often as I dance though.

"Oh," She was surprised but the smile hadn't disappeared. "Chan is a director of Bang entertainment, you probably already know though." She smiled, caressing her son's shoulder. She didn't look like he was bruising her son's shoulder either, it looked gentle, still with love. Feeling that wouldn't hurt.

"Yeah, I work there." I thinned my lips feeling it got awkward between the four of us. Yes four, Felix, Bang, Mrs.Bang, and I. The old guy and my father were having their own conversations.

"I remember seeing you two when you were both so young," She let her son go and took my hands into her, holding them on the table. "I was devastated when I heard about your mom," Her lips went down frowning.

"It's alright, we've moved on." I lied. There is no way I'd move on from something like that. I desperately missed my mother. The thought of joining her didn't hurt but Felix needed me and I needed him. We're brothers, inseparable.

"I hope you can get along." She smiled, letting my hands go, "I think it's time." She looked at the fathers getting up. This day is a little off, I'm getting engaged to my fucking boss. Speaking of him, he had been on his phone the entire time, I bet he's a workaholic, a girlfriend would be out of the question. He doesn't look like the type to be interested in a romantic relationship at all.

I stood up following everyone to the stage, I saw a lot of people I recognized, the Kims, Hwangs, Yangs, Seos, Kangs, and so many more. For some odd reason Mr.Hwang looked really pissed, I'd love to know if it was related to me. If not, I could care less. Meanwhile his son was looking right at me, I'll be completely honest. He was very good looking on the outside, I can't say that about the inside since I've never said a word to him. As I was making eye contact with him, he started smirking. That smirk was fucking attractive, I felt a blush crawl on my face and I prayed the makeup hid it.

I walked the small set of staircases settling my feet next to my father, there were camer's flashing in my face. I was used to it being an idol, I tried to ignore it but the glare was strong. I regret looking back to Hwang again because that smirk and his dark eyes were piercing through. People would usually feel uncomfortable but I felt excited. I'd love to know why but being curious right now would not help my situation.

My father finished his mini speech and 'gently' pushed me in front of him next to Bang. He was holding a ring and Felix slipped another one on my palm, I guess this is the part where we put the rings on. Bang took my hand sliding the ring on my finger. I did the same with the ring that was handed to me, they both had red crystals planted in the middle with silver lining designs engraved on the silver ring. It really did look nice I must be honest. Suddenly someone blurted out a word that made my heart almost jump out of my body.


Hell no, not in a million years. Not with him, never with him. I don't want to be rude but my boss genuinely looked like a psycho, one where my weak body wouldn't be able to fight. Especially for dominance. I hated being submissive to someone I barely knew, like my father. I barely knew him but I knew enough of him to the point I loathe him.

"We can save that for the wedding," Bang smiled. He fucking smiled, god that really suited him. He should smile more, but I guess he hated happiness or something. He hadn't let go of my hand keeping the positive public image going. I smiled too, not wanting anyone to catch onto anything. When I looked back to the Hwangs, he was still there grinning at me. He tilted his head suddenly playing innocent. This man could make anyone go crazy, I don't get how Felix had put up with him. For some reason everytime I looked at Hwang, his lips were all my eye wanted to see. I looked away wanting to forget the weird things my mind had brought up.

My virgin ass could never.

— — —

The party continued, people in conversations and eating from the buffet. I hadn't touched a single piece of food, some people would complain about me gaining weight so I tried not to eat too much.

"Did you try the food hyung?" Felix hadn't stopped bothering me since the rings, I get he feels guilty but I'm sure he would be everywhere but here right now.

"Felix I'm telling you for the hundredth time, It's okay. I won't blame you for anything that's happening. I was reassured. "Now go hang out with your friends or something."

"I'm not leaving you alone." Felix was fixed on sticking next to me.

"I'm not alone, I have my imaginary friend James here, you can leave." I pointed to the air space next to me.

"Hyung, don't be sarcastic, I've never seen you have an actual conversation with anyone but me and Hanbin hyung." Felix whined. He's like a kid, but he's my kid brother.

"I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being for real, you can leave." Just then Mrs.Bang walked up to me.

"Why don't you join us at our table Minho-yahh." She smiled, she seemed really nice. I'd love to get to know her but I'm not gonna risk getting hurt.

"Sure," I got up taking my imaginary friend 'James,' with me. The thought of an imaginary friend was quite hilarious, sounds like something a quiet kid would have.... Wait. I'm a quiet kid. I mentally slapped myself ending this discussion.

I sat down next to my new fiancé and soon to be mother-in-law. Mr.Bang wasn't here nor was my father, just the three of us. It was both quiet and awkward at the table. Neither of us had spoken a word.

"I think I'll give you two some alone time." She gently spoke, getting up to leave. The tension had risen a hundred times more.

"So...." My voice descended. Bang put his phone looking right at me.

"This is just a business marriage, don't take it for the real thing." He started off cold and scary. "I have a busy life I'm leading and no time to waste on you so don't bother me. When we move in we have separate bedrooms and separate lives." He took his coat and phone, leaving me alone. He's a workaholic for sure. His words didn't really hurt me, I barely knew him so how could they.

I tried imagining my fans' reactions of me getting married to the boss, they'd probably go start writing fanfictions about it. I've read a few here and there, they really do have skills. That's not the point though, it was embarrassing, although Bang was quite a fine man himself. He seems like someone who worked out.

I looked up to see Hwang and my little brother. Hwang had a hand around Felix's shoulder gossiping about something. When he caught me looking at me he winked before walking away. What the fuck is happening to me?

I shaked off my thoughts trying to find Hanbin hyung in the crowds. I saw him talking with two other boys. I didn't want to interrupt his conversation so I went up to the 2nd floor and hung around on the patio. The breeze ran through my hair giving me a bit of comforting warmth. The odd thing is that nature would always be on my side, when I cried it rained, when I was happy it was sunny. It's like I'm mother nature's sun. I smiled at the thought.

"Didn't think I'd find you here." My voice spoke to me from behind my back. I turned around to see Hwang fucking Hyunjin. His famous smirk plastered on his face.

Today was truly an unexpected day. 


Guys I'm falling in love with this Hyunjin no joke 😩

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