Chapter 8

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I finally found Hanbin hyung alone, he was on his phone at a table playing

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I finally found Hanbin hyung alone, he was on his phone at a table playing...... I squinted my eyes to see better. Roblox. I sighed walking up to him taking his phone.

"Hey!" He yelled getting up quickly looking at me.

"Are you really playing video games at a place like this?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Well I'm bored and you seem to be busy." He defended taking his phone back. He started pouting looking at the screen. "I was grinding in Big Paintball, now look. I lost." He showed me his screen which showed the leader board, he was placed second.

"You're in second place." I dead panned.

"I was going against this one guy who thought he was better than me but you came and took the phone and now I lost." He whined. This guy really was whining over a dumb game.

"Let's drink," I pointed to the bar.

"You don't have a high tolerance against alcohol, do you think you can handle it?" He asked unsure.

"Of course I can," I huffed, dragging Hanbin hyung with me to the bar. What I didn't release was Felix and Hwang were also there. It was too late though, we were already here.

"Didn't think I'd find you here." Hwang smirked at me, I don't get what his deal is. I haven't had a conversation with him until today and he has been bothering me without a break.

"I didn't come here for you." I stuck my tongue out. Sitting a seat apart from him. Felix and Hanbin hyung just sat there quietly.

"I never said you did," Hwang rested his chin on his shoulder looking at me and smiling deviously. I had no comebacks to that so I kept my mouth shut.

"You fought a battle you weren't meant to win," Hanbin hyung whispered in my ear.

"Shut it," I scowled at him. The bartender came asking for our orders, I was about to answer until Hanbin hyung did.

"A bottle of soju and wine for me." He smiled. The bartender nodded before getting out drinks. He returned with a bottle of soju and a glass of wine.

"Enjoy," Place them down before leaving.

"Not much of a drinker Lee?"" Hwang asked me, Why is this guy always here to bother me? I groaned internally.

"He's a little weak baby," Hanbin hyung babied me, patting my hair. These two were really trying to get on my nerves today. "Right Minnie," He ruffled my hair.

"Don't touch me," I pulled away from him, Felix started to laugh holding his stomach.

"I never thought I'd see this day to come." He smiled widely.

"What day?" I asked.

"Where you wouldn't seem so lonely." Felix smiled, taking another sip.

— — —

My mind was dizzy, everything was moving in effect. I felt a little lightheaded but I was so hyper full of energy.

"Min, you good?" Hyung asked me gently, holding my shoulder.

"What? I'm fine." I laughed, patting his back hard. I heard him groan in pain, I felt a little funny. I think I drank too much. Did I care? Not a chance. "Why is there a crispy guy walking here?" I smiled pointing to a guy whose face was blurred out but he had a suit in his hand.

"Min, you drank a lot tonight," Hyung tried to take my soju away from me but I snatched it back.

"Don't touch." I hugged the bottle.

"Woah, Lee, you barely got through half your first bottle and you're already a mess." Hwang snickered at me.

"Shut it you rat." I was about to throw the bottle at him but Hyung took it away from me. "Why did you do that," I looked at Hanbin hyung. He looked mad.

"You could've hurt him," He scolded me.

"Are you mad? Are you gonna hate me too?" I started to bawl my eyes out, having the tears roll out like a waterfall.

"Is he okay...?" A foreign but familiar voice asked.

"He's just drunk," Hyung wiped the water off my face.

"I can tell."

I looked up at the tall guy standing in front of me.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" I recognised the face. "I hope you get all your blood sucked out by a vampire or something." I made a random insult.

"Stop acting childish." He glared at me.

"You're built like a child, you're way too short to be a man." I gripped the bottom of his shirt for support. I felt like I was gonna fall If I didn't hold onto anything.

"I'm 6ft."

"Yeah you're short." I let my head fall to his chest. And slowly my mind drifted off. 

I really would love to be in my office working but here I am driving back to my new "home" my mother texted me

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I really would love to be in my office working but here I am driving back to my new "home" my mother texted me. When did they get the time to arrange all of this? Lee was in the back sleeping like a pig, so I left the party.

I sighed, it was completely dark outside and I assumed the party was over and everyone had left. I drove through the roads reaching a house in the distance. It wasn't a mansion but it was quite big and colored in black. Half of the walls were made of glass but that wasn't a problem. The house wasn't located in the city or a neighborhood. It was an open place in a small forest near the city. I did like being isolated from people, but now with another person. Especially if they're an annoying child.

My parents had left me with the problem of taking a drunk Lee with me, that was quite hard when he put all his body weight on me and had random shit coming out of his mouth. He called me a rat, I don't see any resemblance between a rat and I. I parked the car in the driveway getting out, I was about to enter the house until I remembered about Lee. I sighed and opened the backdoor, Lee was sleeping comfortably in the back seats. What if I just leave him here...... no way, my mother would kill me.

I went down to pick Lee up but for some reason I felt tempted to look at his features more. His lips were plump and his nose was slip, he had a nice jaw and his silver hair matched his aesthetic pretty well. Don't get me wrong, I have no interest in Lee, but Hwang has piqued my interest. Lee is far too weak to handle someone like me, and plus, I'm not looking for a serious relationship. Just a sex buddy that isn't a clingy bitch.

I lifted Lee up holding him in my arms, I was halfway up the stairs until I heard a small sob come from Lee. I looked down, he had tears slip down his cheeks. Not that I cared, but he seems to have been through a lot. All the more reason he shouldn't get involved with me.

My mind is far too twisted for love. 

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