Chapter 40

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The three of us were at the airport

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The three of us were at the airport. I surely did not expect this. I thought it was something small but we were really going all the way to Japan. It was kind of a headache since I had to hide myself as did Bang. Hwang was walking around freely without a care in the world.

I don't know how a rumor spread that I was going to Japan, there were a number of paparazzi surrounding the entrance of the airport. Thankfully, Hwang hid me well. . . let's not talk about how he succeeded.

It would've been weird if the sons of both Hwang's and Lee's were seen together. It was pretty chilly out, I had a hoodie I stole from Hwang and some sweats on. A hat and a mask to cover my face. Bang just had a black shirt with sweats. Hwang had a hoodie on without actually wearing it. His head was through the opening but it stopped at his shoulders piling up around his neck.

We each had our own suitcases to last a week or a few days, just in case.

We checked in and headed to the gates for take off, though our flight was in about an hour.

"Should we eat?" Hwang said, admiring all the food stalls. Our flight was later in the night, I felt a bit tired and hungry.

"Yeah." I said keeping my mask on.

"Let's get some food then." Hwang was quite cheerful, even though it was 9 at night. I would have been dead asleep unless I had a reason to have adrenaline rush through me.

"Sure." Bang spoke, acting as if he hadn't cared. I haven't had a proper conversation with him since. . . never.

"I'll go get something, you two stay here." Hwang said, taking off with his wallet. He left his suitcase with us. But now it was pretty quiet between Bang and I. While the airport was loud as fuck.

"Did you really agree to this?" I asked, sitting down on the waiting chairs by the gate.

"It sounds relaxing, and I needed a break." Bang shrugged, taking a seat beside me.

"Alright." I said. It was quiet again. I genuinely wanted to get along with Bang, especially since we were meant to get married next month. But the thought stung when I thought about Hwang too. My father already hates me as is, adding Hwang to the equation would only end with a negative solution. But Hwang wasn't the negative term, I was.

Bang and Hwang do make a good couple, I pictured them side by side dominating everyone else easily. I really do love Hwang, I admit it. Confessing this feeling was the hard part. I have a small crush on Bang, I don't get why I like two people at the same time. It kinda feels like cheating. . . ?

"How's it going at the company?" Bang started a conversation. The BANG started a conversation. . . with me?

"It's alright, I'm just chilling now since I had the new single come out a while ago." I answered simply even though I was so fucking flustered from talking to him. This was embarrassing.

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