Chapter 23

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Updating right before heading to bed ✌️

Crazy to say how last night went

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Crazy to say how last night went. My head hurts like a bitch but here I am scrolling through Instagram like an ugly rat on the bed. I pray the door is locked so Bang doesn't randomly walk in and see me in this state. I have my concert release in a few days, I'm too lazy to get up and practice.

With my luck I heard knocks on the door. Chances are it was Bang. I was drunk last night and the things I said that I don't even remember already made me flustered and anxious. I do remember Han kicking me and Hwang out, that was a wise decision. I bet Bang was there. I did not want to face him.

"Do you really want me to break down your door?" I heard Bang yell from the other side. I got up quickly messing with my hair hoping I made myself look a bit more decent. I inhaled before letting my breath out. Opening the door I was greeted with both Bang and Hwang. I'm not surprised to find Hwang here anymore. It's like he lives here. Now that I think about it, what does his place look like?

I looked up to see Bang and Hwang stare at me . . . a bit too hard.

"It's either I'm ugly or just breathtaking, which is it?" I asked, tilting my head with a small grin. I've gotten a bit closer to Bang and Hwang but Bang still shuts me out of his personal life while Hwang doesn't say much about himself. These two are way too curious about me for their own good.

"None." Bang started with his famous poker face.

"Breathtaking . . ." I barely heard Hwang whisper. It made my heart flutter for some odd reason. I knew I felt attracted to Bang but why Hwang too?

"Get your ass to the company, your comeback is in two days." Bang scolded me before walking away. Hwang winked at me smirking before following Bang. What do those two even do all day for them to come back at fucking 2 AM. It genuinely shocks me how none of them look tired or sleep deprived, which leads to one conclusion.


Do they really fuck each other every damn day? That's crazy. If they did then one of their asses is dead. Now that I think about it, who'd be the top and button. Neither of them give off a bottom vibe. What if they were both switches?

"Don't overthink it princess.~" Hwang peeked out the corner blowing me a flying kiss before finally leaving. This guy– I'm not shocked that he flirts with an engaged man. Then again, Bang and I aren't real. We aren't a thing so it's not like it mattered much. So if he did go around fucking Hwang or getting fucked by Hwang then it has nothing to do with me. It kind of strings though.

I heard of poly relationships, but people say trios never work out. The duo plus a third wheel. That third wheel being me. I smiled of the heart break in my heart, the three of us a thing would be a next level of delusions.


Now in the studio with my lovely sweat pants and some random shirt I found at the bottom of my closet. My lungs were gasping for air as sweat dripped down my hot skin. I've been in the dance room for a while skipping lunch and dinner. I have no fucking clue what time is it, not that it mattered.

My stomach was scarce, craving for a sip of water and at least a bite of food. Hanbin Hyung to take today off since he was caught with a fever that's been running around the company. I had no choice but to stay healthy since my concert was in 2 days. Bang had been nagging me to practice since I'm supposed to be one of his best idols and I can't cause a mistake. I swear that guy is some kind of perfectionist.

I felt my legs become weak, the energy already sucked out. If I didn't have this mindset, I'd already be on the floor dead asleep. The song just started, I'll finish it up for the day. My body movment felt sloppier as I tried to force my figure to do the action.

My knees died out and fell to the ground giving me an insane amount of pain from the friction. I hugged my knees close to my chest letting myself breath through the pain. My body was tired and I still had to practice. Impressing Bang was all the clouded my mind–

"Hyung!" A familiar voice yelled running to me. I didn't bother looking up, too tired feeling my eyes get heavy. No. I can't sleep. I have to practice. "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" I groaned in pain. My legs were like jelly as my brother tried to help me stand. It's a good thing I ran here, that bastard Hwang was hitting on some girl and Bang left for his office." Felix looked a bit angry. He lifted my hands holding me up letting my body lean on him.

"Thanks," I whispered. I finally felt a soft cushion letting myself relax against it.

"I'll get some water, I need to find that dumbass too." Felix cursed running out the room. I was thankful for him. I let my body lay on the couch. I'm deadass sleepy right now but I just can't sleep. Either it's just I'm in my bed or I'm cold. How could I be cold if I'm this sweaty?

A few minutes felt like a few years as I wanted Felix to come back with a cold bottle and an unwanted guest. Well the last part is a lie but I'd never admit I like Hwang.

"You look like a dead princess." Hwang crouched in front of me with his idol-like smirk spreading across his face.

"Shut it." I snapped getting up to take the water bottle from the blonde male.

"I didn't know you two were on a princess kinda–"

"We're not." I interrupted. "He's just an annoying rat." I quickly uncapped the bottle chugging down the cold liquid feeling it hydrate my throat and cooled my stomach.

Now I'm hungry.

"Wanna go out?" Hwang asked. "The three of us, maybe Bang and Han if they want to join?" Hwang suggested. Having dinner with those two doesn't sound so bad.

"Sure." Felix and I said in sync.

I wonder where tonight would take us?


I'm sry for this extra part but I wanted to make something clear. 

I read a fanfiction ( smut shot) and I've seen a few comments saying its disgusting putting your idols like this. 

Yall this is a fucking fanfiction for a damn reason. And I said in the warning that you could imagine me burrowing their wonderful names cause it's so lovely. 

So please don't let me find shit comments like that, I rly love yall. You guys hella nice 


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