Chapter 16

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Well I definitely didn't expect this

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Well I definitely didn't expect this. Sitting in Bang's car with Berry in the back seat. It was awkwardly silent. I could only hear the sound of the heater, and Berry's soft growls. I did want to start a conversation but I don't think Bang was in the mood.

He drove with one hand veins popping out, that was insanely attractive.

"Where are we going....?" I asked. I was genuinely scared of Bang but something in me had the courage to say something.

"My parent's house." He answered simply turning on the blinker and taking a right.

"Why?" When did I get so bold?

"Do you always ask questions?" He seemed a little angry now.

"Do you always get irritated?" I don't think I like where this is going. But I swear I heard Berry snort in the back. Bang sighed heavily, he looked tired. Black circles under his eyes. "Do you know what sleep is? It's something you do at night–"

"Do you know what insomnia is? It's a big pain in the ass." Bang made a stop in the driveway of a white house. Well I lost this argument. I got out of the car, the cold air heating my face like a sharp needle against my cheeks . I stuffed my hands in the puff jacket trying to bring warmth to myself.

Bang opened the back door and let Berry out. The beast completely ignored her own owner and came right up to me.

"Wow." Bang rolled his eyes walking past me. I felt a small giggle come out of my mouth and I could've sworn I saw Bang smile.

He knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. It didn't take very long for someone on the other side to open it. Han? What was he doing here? Not that it was any of my business. Behind him Mrs.Bang rushed in and squeezed my cheeks.

"Minho~," She smiled happily. "Come inside, it's cold out." She grabbed my wrist leading me into her home.

"What about me?" Bang asked but his mother completely ignored him. Berry followed me in and Bang just sulked while coming in after Han. This family was very warm. I guess it's a good thing my father got me engaged....?

"Minho." Mr.Bang got up from the couch once he saw me. I seem to be very welcomed here.

"H-hi." I greeted him, accidentally stuttering on the way.

"How's the new house serving you? Is my son good?" Mr.Bang had started the questions once my butt had sat on the couch.

"Umm, everything is good." Well that wasn't a complete lie. The house was nice and Bang hasn't been much of a dick so far.

"Oh stop with the questions." Mrs.Bang lightly slapped her husband's shoulder. "Let's eat, you must be hungry." She smiled at me. For a second I saw my mother in her. I felt a lot more like a family now. Just missing Felix.


I'm stuffed.

No, not like that. I ate a lot of food, erase whatever you were just thinking.

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