Chapter 19

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I was sitting down in front of Han and his daughter, Minho hyung sat next to me texting Hanbin Hyung on his phone

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I was sitting down in front of Han and his daughter, Minho hyung sat next to me texting Hanbin Hyung on his phone. I don't think Han and Minho hyung are very close considering the atmosphere.

I looked at the little girl who was curiously looking at Minho hyung. I knew she wanted to say something but I assumed she's too nervous. I lightly shoved my brother's shoulder, hinting to the little girl.

"Can I help you?" He asked softly to Han's kid. It really is his, she looked a lot like him, but I could see features Han didn't have.

"A-are you L-lee Know?" She asked, looking a bit excited. I guess she's a fan of my brother. My brother nodded, putting his phone aside with a smile. "I love your songs." She smiled wide and just then a ginger cat jumped on the table letting itself relax onto Minho hyung's lap.

"Oh...." My brother said, looking at the unexpected guest. Lily looked really excited to see the cat up close. "Wanna hold it?" Minho lifted the cat holding it in his arms against his chest. The little girl nodded, her tubes shaking with her. Minho hyung chuckled, taking the cat and standing up walking to Lily's side. Han sat there silently while my brother had a conversation with the little girl.

"I didn't know you had a daughter." I started a conversation. He nodded seeing a waitress walk over with food. Finally, my cinnamon cake. The waitress set a drink in front of Han and my brother. A slice of chocolate cake by Lily and my lovely cinnamon cake.

"Eat and then play with the cat," Han told the girl. Lily compiled without a fuss and dug into her food, she was the 2nd cutest kid I've ever seen. I'm number one of course.

"You like cats Lily?" I asked to start a conversation with Han's kid since he clearly doesn't want to talk to me. I don't get it, I'm a lovely person, everyone loves me. That's what I tell myself every night at least.

"I love them, they're so cute!" She giggles happily looking at the ginger cat that was still in her lap. I saw a small smile grow on Han's face, when he realized I was looking at him he quickly stopped.

I will not lie, Han is definitely one of the most attractive men I've ever seen. I've never had the thought of dating men, but Han definitely attracted me. I don't know, but something makes me feel like never leaving his side. And Lily is just straight adorable.

"I think you're staring a bit too much." My older brother whispered in my ear with a smirk. I refuse to let Minho hyung tease me like that, I stopped looking at Han and instead stared at my innocent food.

"Umm...." Lily looked at my brother. He smiled knowing what the little girl was thinking. Before he could answer Han did for him.

"You can call him Uncle Minho." Han wiped some chocolate icing off the corner of the little girl's mouth .

"Uncle Minho, can you come to my birthday party and...." She looked at me not knowing my name.

"Felix, but don't call me uncle." I furrowed my eyebrows, the term 'uncle' made me sound old.

"You too Felix!" She smiled happily.

"I think I'll pass on the uncle part too." Minho Hyung smiled. "Minho is just fine."

"Lily," Han called out softly. "Minho is Uncle Channies fiance." I saw my brother's smile immediately faint away. I know Bang had been ignoring him, and clearly my brother has a fat ass crush.

"Woah~" The girl let her lips go apart and awed.

"Y-yeah," Minho hyung thinned his lips trying to put out a fake smile. I'm pretty sure Han noticed from the way he looked at Minho hyung sadly.

"Your done, let's play with the cat now, hmm?" Han looked at the girl so Minho hyung wouldn't be so down.

"I'll play with her, you look tired. Take a break." My brother got up taking Lily in his hand and the cat with his other hand. They went off playing with the other kids.

"So...." Now it is just Han and I. Just the two of us, alone. Well not alone, alone.

"I didn't think I'd find grown men in a place like this." Han started sipping his drink looking right at me.

"Minho hyung likes it here, and clearly Bang doesn't give a shit about him so I'm here cause I care." I saw a bit of guilt on Han's face, for some reason it hurt to see him like that.

"I'll try talking to him."

"No need." I stopped him, "It's clear he dislikes my brother, I've already told him to let it go. Though I know it'll be hard for him. So just stay quiet about it." I didn't look at him feeling guilty for telling my brother's 'secret'. Minho hyung never really admitted his feelings but the way he describes Bang it's pretty obvious.


It was around 10 at night

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It was around 10 at night. I decided not to bring my bike and take a cab to the gym. I can't believe Bang really showed up at my warehouse asking to work together. I highly doubt that, but when I looked at his eyes I saw sincerity.

I looked up, it was a crescent moon today, clouds covered parts of the moon while the stars lit up the dark abyss.

I was alone on the streets, not a soul as seen. The cool breeze ran through my hair giving me goosebumps. I regret not wearing a bigger jacket, it was pretty cold outside.

I stopped, a single street light lit up the vacant street. It was like the murder films, people usually go into a dark alley and they end up dead the next morning. Obviously in my case, I wouldn't let a single soul touch me.

That's what I thought at least.

"You've grown into a hot looking man." A deep voice had a shudder run down my back. I could recognize him anywhere. It scared me how his voice was carved into my mind.

I didn't dare to turn around, feeling fear build up in my chest.

"W-what do you want?" I was already stuttering.

"Figured it out?" He was behind me whispering in my ear, I knew he was smirking. It's been over 10 years since that incident. I was traumatized and scared.

"Leave my men out of our problems." I defended myself.

"It's not just you we're messing with."


"Why?" I asked, trying not to make it sound like I was pleading.

I didn't get a response, I wanted to look behind me but I could summon the energy to do so. I took a deep breath turning around.

No one. I was truly alone now, I felt like screaming my lungs out. I'd just wake up everyone on the block. I called for Lee to pick me up. He's one of the only people I'd ever trust.

I pray I really am alone now. 


It's gloomy outside <3

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