Chapter 54

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The mysterious case of a serial killer has now ended. A dead body belonging to the suspect was uncovered. Mr.Lee Joon, the famous owner and founder of Lee Corporations. After being hospitilized for the past few weeks he was found dead. A note found in his hospital bed before his body was discovered in the river bank.

The question is, has Mr.Lee committed suicide or was he murdered? Polices are still solving the last part of the case, a conclusion is expected to come out next week at the latest. 

The headlines made my eyes widen

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The headlines made my eyes widen. Lee's father was officially dead. It was there, the headlines of the morning paper, circling around the world like a tsunami. Unstoppable.

Last night was a miracle, something I didn't expect to happen, but it did. And it was the best night ever. I was a little sore but Lee's pain was 100% worse considering the 2 dicks in one hole.

I was downstairs with Bang, sitting on the island of the kitchen and watching him cook. His bare back revealed to me, a towel hanging around his neck while his damp hair clung to his forehead.

"When do you think he's gonna wake up?" I asked getting bored but turned on at the sight in front of me.

"Now." I heard a groggy voice from behind me.

"Well look who's up, morning sunshine." Bang chuckled look at the two of us before going back to what he was doing.

"Morning." Lee groaned, his body limping as he walked to the tall chair next to me.

"Slept well?" I asked knowing very well what I was doing.

"Are you really asking me that?" He said, his eyes glaring at me sassily before looking to Bang. "And who are you trying to impress mister?" Lee asked raising a brow with attitude on his side.

"Seems to me you didn't wake up on the right side of the bed." Bang joked as he started flipping pankes.

"Never did~" Lee sang not caring what he said.

"Whats got you so worked up?" I asked.

"My dad died."

"Oh." Bang and I both said in unision. We didn't think Lee found out that fast considering how he just woke up.

"How'd you–"

"The news, I woke up a little while ago. Too lazy too get up, and too sore." He said stealing my glass of water and chugging it all down.

"Does it hurt a lot?" Bang asked bring over 2 plates with pancakes stacked on eachother and syrup pouring down each layer. "Eat up," He says before heading back to the pan making another dose.

"Thank you," Lee said before digging in.

He seemed normal, like his usual self with the bit of attitude. The news of his his father didn't even make him flinch or even sad. More like it was just another normal day for him.

"Don't you feel anything?" I asked not knowing if I did any good.

"No," Lee said. "Am I supposed to?" He looked at me with a blank stare and empty eyes. Something was up, Bang knew too.

"I mean usually people have some sort of feeling, anger, sadness, joy, disgust–"

"I don't feel anything, but you could say I'm happy." Lee said ending with a smile that sent me shivers. He finished his pancakes and headed for the sink. I looked ot Bang and he shrugged his shoulders just as stumbled as I was.


We were in a black car, driving to god knows where. Sitting in the back seat, my eyes were set on Lee. He was pretty strange from this morning, his aura had completely changed.

Yesterday was his sunshine princess persona but today he's been silent. Not a single loving emotion had escaped him. Bang was driving the beach, I realze it now when he'd force us to wear bathing shorts and some shirt. We were pulling into the parking lot of a nearby beach.

I opened the car door holding a few things in a bag, my foot set to the ground seeing sand make it up here. Looking back up, the sea painted across the sand. Sparkled of water glistened in the view.

"What are you waiting for? Get your ass's moving." Bang laughed holding a few chairs and an umbrella.

"Alright." Lee said, a small grin blossoming on his lips. Well he seemed to be fine. That was good.

We somehow managed to have a fun time, splashing water at eachother and dunking Lee when he didn't notice. We also happened to find a stall on the boardwalk where they sold flower crowns, I bought three for us. Bang wearing a blue one, Lee having a pink one and I wore a purple one. It was cute.

We took pictures together in almost every place we found interesting. We as in Lee and I since Bang found everything 'normal'. Boring ass.

One would see Lee as someone normal, but nothing was normal today. Nothing at all. And I can't put a finger on what was going on.

Suddenly Lee's phone started to ring and stepped aside to take the call. Bang and I waited patiently by a funnel cake stall. He took a few bites of the the sugary desert.

"Try some," He said shoving it to my face. I bit the piece hesitantly but my mouth watered at the bliss taste of some dough with powdered sugar.

"Woah, thats so good." I smiled stuffing my face in it.

"One of my favirotes growing up." He smiled.

"I can tell." I smiled saving some for Lee. A few minutes later he returned.

"You guys love me right?" Lee asked smiling, I couldn't tell if it was a real smile. It reminded me of the day he went crazy without Bang. "Chan-ah? Hyunjin-ah~" He giggled softly.

Bang's shoulder was tense, feeling our first names roll of his tongue would usually make me feel pleasant. But nothing about the way I felt was pleasant.

"We love you." Bang assured pecking Lee's cheeks. His ears bright red but his body was stiff.

"We do." I agreed nodding my head quickly.

"Great!" He said. "Let's get moving, shall we?" 



anyways, this is the 2nd to last chapter as u can tell the next thing is the epilogoue and then we're done!! 

The intro for Ruin Me is coming out'-  JULY 1 2024 1:00 AM EST

The official date for the story to begin will be in August at its earliest since I'm also working on other books <333

and thank you for making it this far I hope the ending won't dissapoint :)

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