Chapter 41

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We were finally in Honshu, after a long train ride we could relax before having some fun

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We were finally in Honshu, after a long train ride we could relax before having some fun. It was around 11 AM. We skipped breakfast but now I was starving and craving for some Japanese food.

"We'll eat after stopping by the hotel." Hwang stated as we got off the train. It wasn't a bad ride, people were pretty quiet and I got a chance to relax. But since yesterday, Bang hadn't looked me in the eye at all. It got me really curious but I held back from asking. Hwang had been acting like a cheesy romantic around Bang and I.

"Did you hit your head?" I asked.

"No? Why?" Hwang asked, confused.

"You've been acting weird." I started side-eyeing him.

"Oh, that's nothing," he smiled at me before smirking towards Bangs directions. Something definitely happened while I was asleep.

Did they fuck in the same room as me?

That's nasty. I hope they didn't.

"Bang, why don't you talk to us?" Hwang requested tilting his head playfully. What the heck was happening?

"Fuck off."

"C'mon~ don't be shy."

"Fuck you."

"Gladly." Hwang flirted, leaning his hand on Bang who shrugged him off. I laughed out loud with their behavior earning me some looks. But I didn't care. It's not like they knew who I was.

When I was done with my laughter both Bang and Hwang were looking at me.

"So now you remember my existence?" I raised a brow at Bang.

"Who? Me?"

"No the fucking floor." I dead-panned. "Obviously you, you dumbass.'' I answered when Bang looked confused.

"Okay.'' Bang nodded before walking away with his suitcase. This bitch–

"He'll come around, give him some time." Hwang smiled, hooking his hand with mine.

"Sure." I said dragging my suitcase feeling a bit flustered at how romantic Hwang could be at times like this. His hand was warm and soft but much larger than mine.

he mask I wore was fucking itchy. I had the temptation to just rip it off but I held back knowing the consequences. I let my head fall against Hwang's arm. He was much taller than me so he'd make a great bed.

We were outside the station and I saw Bang talking to a man in a black suit.

"Hurry up." He said once he saw Hwang and I. I rolled my eyes, Bang could sometimes be a bitch. "Slowass." I take that back. He's always a bitch.

"Learn some patience." Hwang said, looking at Bang.

"You didn't have that the other night. Now did you?" The tall raven haired smirking looking at Hwang. I understood he wasn't talking to me at all, but my heart was racing so fast it would go run a marathon. I hate the fact that Bang made me all giggly and shit.

"Y-you're not wrong." Hwang was flustered. If he was weak for Bang I couldn't even imagine how ruined I'd end up.

"I'm never wrong, prince."

That was new, I didn't know Hwang had a nickname, not that I minded. It was cute if I had to be honest.

"Yeah yeah," Hwang let go of my hand, rolling his suitcase to the trunk where the suited man put it in.

"Do you want me to walk you to the car or are you gonna get in, sunshine?"

Fucking hell.

What happened to the Bang that ignored me just five minutes ago? I felt butterflies in my stomach and my ear tint.

"I-i'm coming." I said, shaking off the embarrassment handing my luggage to the man.

"Flustered much, princess?" Hwang teased.

"Shut it."


Onsenji Yumedono Ryokan, such a long fucking name for a damn hotel. It was pretty nice, the wooden building construction. We were in Honshu by Mt. Fuji. There was a hot spring on the other side and a sauna.

Hwang and I were sharing a room while Bang was chilling by himself. I probably couldn't handle him as a roommate seeing how he was acting right now.

I left my suitcase open on my bed while I was standing on the small patio where I could view the mountain. It was peaceful until Hwang interrupted me.

"Woah Lee, what's this?"I heard a faint snicker. I turned around to see Hwang holding a piece of pink clothing. What was that?

A fucking lingerie.

"Kinky much?" Hwang teased me when I tried to take it from him. He raised his arm above me so I couldn't reach it. My jumps and hops were useless, Hwang was taller than I was and I just had to accept that.

"I didn't even pack that!" I defended myself honestly. I really had no fucking clue how that got in there. Then again. . . Mina was the one who packed it. I was busy so I asked our maid and I was pretty close with her.

"Mina, could you pack my suitcase? I'm busy today."

"Of course, Min!" She smiled happily, her dimples showing.

I didn't think she'd pack a fucking lingerie.

"Oh then who did?" Hwang asked, keeping his hand high.

"M-mina." I said I felt my face flush with embarrassment.Hwang used his other hand to pull me with my waist closing the distance.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Bang said standing by the doorway.

"N-nothing." I tried to back away from Hwang but his grip was tight on me.

"Lookie what Little Ms.Lee has~" Hwang teased, showing the pink garments.

"I didn't pack that!" I squealed and jumped trying to take it from Hwang. It was already embarrassing enough for one person to see. Bang could ruin the whole situation.

"Interesting," He said, leaning against the door frame smirking. Fucking smirking while his hands were folded against his chest.

"Hwang!" I yelled, I wanted the the earth to open and fucking kill me right now.

"You're so cute," Hwang kissed the side of my forehead, letting his hand fall down slowly.

"Hush," I said, trying to pull away from him.

"You know what's cuter?" Bang started turning my attention to him.

"What?" I said huffing.

"You wearing that be—"

"Are you three settled in well?" The lady who owned the place came by.

"Doing great." I smiled as I snatched the pink clothing and hid it.

"Good to hear, carry on." She smiled one last time before leaving.

"What were you saying?" Hwang asked trying to continue the conversation.

"Nothing," Bang smiled walking off. This fucker—"

I'm an artist but I suck at it so 🤷‍♀️🤩 I js suffer through the pain :D

Any of you draw or other hobbies?

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