Chapter 11

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Guys, I'm officially a dicktator now... ahahahhah @FightingonMars

or a cockblocker whatever you say ig 🤷‍♀️

I entered the studio, Hanbin was there

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I entered the studio, Hanbin was there.... With a cake. Well fuck.

"I forgot it was your birthday yesterday, and we didn't have time to celebrate." He looked apologetic, I knew he felt bad forgetting. I liked it better when no one knew.

"It's okay," I smiled, placing my bag down and sitting at the small table. The door suddenly opened with a small group of my backup dancers and hairdressers. Everyone was wishing me a belated birthday. I felt warm when they complimented me. I don't get that often, especially from my father.

For a few minutes we celebrated and I cut the cake. It had white frosting covered on it and a bunny that was drawn on with icing. It looked cute. I had a wide smile on my face that I couldn't get rid off.

"Look at him, smiling like the devil." Hanbin Hyung laughed. He always teased me, I didn't mind a bit. He was my best friend, besides James. Well Hanbin hung was also my only friend that isn't part of my imagination.

"Be quiet," I smiled cheekily before dipping my finger in the icing and attempting to attack him. I screamed trying to run away, he couldn't get very far especially since we were in the studio. Everyone else was cheering me on, I liked it. Until Hanbin hyung ran out of the studio, so I chased after him. He took a left on the turn and I ran but I ran into something. More like someone.

It was almost a rock hard surface for me to bruise my nose. I groaned in slight pain and fell back a few steps from the collison.

"I'm sorry–"

"Watch where you're going." A heavy voice spoke, I looked up to the man that was towering over me. I felt a blush paint over my cheeks and ears as I realized who it was. I looked at his chocolate eyes piercing through me like an open target. His tie was loosened and the sleeves went a bit below his elbows. The collar was loose enough for me to see his defined collarbones. For some dumb reason that turned me on.

"My bad–" He didn't bother to hear my apology and just walked past me, having a small breeze run past my arm. Behind him was a shorter man, he had a slim waist and he looked calm and civilized. His black hair was curled behind his ear, and he wore piercings. He had glasses on and he didn't spare a glance at me. I really do want to punch Bang right at the jaw, but I'd get fired and my contract would end. Then again, I don't think his mother would let go of me.

I was about to go back after Hanbin hyung but I came across.... Felix? And my father is right next to him. I hid my frosted finger behind my back. The hallway we were in was empty. Hanbin hyung was nowhere in sight and Bang had most likely already left. I swallowed my spit, noticing my father looking at me up and down.

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