Chapter 14

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"Mom...." My kid self called out in the pitch black of night. "Dad...?" I called my father hoping one of them would come. I was alone, an empty dark street. No one was around. The streets were blanketed by the misty white fog. "I'm scared....." I whimpered crying. I crouched down hugging my knees hoping it would make me feel a bit better.

"Hey kid~" I heard a deep rugged voice. I looked behind to see a man with a black hat covering his face.

"Who are you?"

"That depends, who do you think I am?" The man smirked at me.

"Can you take me home?" I asked softly, the tears clouded my vision but I could tell he was walking closer to me. I wanted to step back, but my body wouldn't move an inch.

"I'll take you somewhere else? How about that?" His voice had a bit of a sly tone in it.

"No..... I want to go home." My voice was shaky. I barely held up.

"You don't have much of a choice, kid." The man grabbed my arm dragging me into the dark alleyways I was too afraid to walk into.

"No! Let me go!" I yelled trying to jerk away from him, I was just a kid. I couldn't run. I was really alone. "P-please..... Someone help me." I whispered crying.

"No one's coming to save you kid." The man laughed. I was shoved into the trunk of a car. It was dark, I huddled myself against the walls of the trunk hoping I could feel a bit safer.

— —

I stared at myself through the mirror. My damp hair covers my eyes. The childhood memories were taking over my mind. I was only 10 at the time, so young for someone like me to get raped.

That's how this world is, filled with demons who seek to feel heaven.

I loathed my parents back then and even now. Tojo is the one who saved me, although he was 3 days too late. My parents hadn't even bothered looking for me, and now they have so many expectations.

I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. My apartment is the only place I can live without disturbing reality. My bedroom was blanketed with shades of gray. A small house plant on my nightstand along with my digital clock. It was midnight, I haven't slept yet, more like I was too tired not to sleep. I hate admitting it, the fact that I'm scared. Scared to be alone. I can't sleep by myself, it scares me. My parents think it was childish, they've never been through the hell I had.

Sex was my only way to cope with it, once we were done neither of us would be active enough to just walk out. That's not the only reason though, I wanted to get those mens disgusting shit out of me. I know it's been over ten years since that incident. I just can't get it into my head. I felt disgusting, the thought made me feel like vomiting. Fucking women was the only way my dumbass could think of solving problems.

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