Chapter 45

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For the past few days, Bang and I have had normal conversations, nothing too deep

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For the past few days, Bang and I have had normal conversations, nothing too deep. Just a few words thrown out here and there. We never talked about that kiss, not once did Bang bring it up which kind of bothered me. Then again, it seemed like he needed some time to think.

Hwang still held a grudge against Bang, the two hadn't even looked at each other and I was in between them. I don't know how I feel about that since I have a lot of mixed feelings about it.

Today was our last day here in Japan, tomorrow we had to leave for Tokyo and then straight to Seoul. It would be a bit of a journey but I didn't mind since I had Hwang and Bang as company.

Since it was our last day here, Hwang planned a day to spend together with all three of us which meant Bang and Hwang had no choice but to talk to each other.

We were all dressed up nicely for our last day. I decided to wear a light brownish shirt with gray and green overalls that had cute kitty patterns. A Converse and a jacket since it was near the end of November.

Hwang had dark gray straight baggy jeans with a white hoodie and a black puff jacket. A pair of Nikes and a few jewelry here and there. His hair was pretty normal, not even brushed out.

Bang on the other hand wore something I wasn't surprised by. A tight black shirt that fit right onto him defining his collarbones and abs. And a pair of black sweats to keep the darkness going. A black jacket that wasn't zipped to keep the body revealed which I definitely didn't mind except for the looks he got from girls on the street.

We were walking down the small city streets in Honshu. I was curious where Hwang was taking us and I felt excitement run through my body. Bang had been silent the whole time which I couldn't blame him for.

"Where are we going?" I whined, feeling my legs get tired.

"Somewhere," Hwang said, not sparing a glance at me, and kept walking. I groaned as I tried to catch up. Bang seemed to have no trouble walking around, he wasn't complaining much either.

"Aren't you a bit tired at least?" I asked.

"No," He said dryly. This wasn't new.


Woah. I had no fucking clue where we were but I sure as hell didn't care. I was hugging the railings and staring at the mountain that towered in front of me.

"That's beautiful," I said in awe. The sunset in the background made it even more stunning than it already was. I took my phone out snapping a picture to send on Bubble later. I'm sure a few fans would enjoy seeing it.

"Isn't it?" Hwang smiles cheekily. He pulled me closer to him against his side while we watched the view. Bang stood beside me, keeping a distance between us.

"Why so far?" I said keeping my arms out for Bang to join. He hesitated at first, but Hwang took no failure in noticing. Later he joined but his body was stiff as stone. I could tell he wasn't used to this. I used my right hand to rub his back slowly and his posture eased.

"Asshole," I heard Hwang muttering annoyingly. I elbowed him, he was a bit snobby right now.

"Let's take a group picture!" I suggested happily taking my phone out. I didn't notice the distress in Bang's face when I positioned it in front of us. "Are you okay?" I asked, putting it down and looking at Bang with worry.

"I'll take a picture of you two instead." He said taking his phone out and walking in front of us with a not-so-great distance. When I looked to Hwang for help his face softened looking at Bang. Am I missing something?

"Say cheese," Bang said with a small grin growing on his face. I felt myself become warm all of a sudden. Hwang pulled me closer, smiling widely for the picture. I took it as a sign to do the same, we made a heart with our hands connecting with the two puzzle pieces.


Bang set his phone down looking at the screen, a soft smile on his face.

"Let me see!" I walked to Bang with excitement and looked at his phone. It was snowing making white sprinkle through the picture, the mountain and sunset fit perfectly in the frame. Bang should've taken one with us too.

"It's good," Hwang said smiling at the photo but I saw a hint of guilt through his smile. "Let's have a group photo, that'll be even better." He said taking his phone out but looking at Bang for permission. He hesitated but nonetheless, he chose to take one. Hwang raised his arm and stood right next to Bang making me stand in front of them hopping to join the frame.

Hwang and Bang both chuckled Bang did something I definitely didn't see coming. I was no on Bang's back, his hands keeping my butt up and preventing me from falling while I hugged his shoulders to keep myself from becoming suicidals who jump off buildings.

"Alright, say cheese!" Hwang said, moving himself closer to us and clicking the white circle on his phone. I felt a wide grin on my face that I didn't bother hiding. A moment we all shared without hiding our real emotions, a true moment, a real memory. Our masks were off and no one was around while the sun set and the moon rose.

Just three of us.

No hiding.

Lots of feelings.

But so many secrets.

Would have been nice if they felt the same too. 


This chapter feels so short :((

But I guess some hyuminchan content anyway! :)

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