Chapter 43

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I couldn't blame Lee for not trusting me, I don't even trust myself

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I couldn't blame Lee for not trusting me, I don't even trust myself. I was alone in my hotel room reading, I'm glad I packed a book before leaving. I found myself turning the pages as the minutes passed. Feeling myself being drawn in.


I still don't know why I decided to read this book. A medieval aged setting with a brutal murder. A few memories came flooding into my brain, I so badly wanted to kill my self right here and now.

"You're a psycho!" — screamed at me. Holding a knife in front of him, trying his hardest to not fumble. He was stronger than me, taller, smarter. A son anyone could wish for, a boy friend anyone wanted.

"I'm not a psycho. . .'' My past self was weak. Incredibly weak. I was on the ground, our whole picnic was ruined. The food spilled, the drinks splashed and it was already late.

"Kill your self," He said walking closer till the knife was by my throat. A smile curved onto his lips while his eyes showed no mercy. But in the blink of an eye, everything changed.

I opened my eyes to see him screaming, so loud but so weak.

A tiger.

"It's better when he's dead," I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache coming along.

"Who's dead?"I heard Hwang's voice from my door.

"Why are you here?" I asked, feeling a bit irritated. I don't hate Hwang, I just need time to myself. I need to be alone.

"I'm here with Lee," He said, opening the door further revealing the shortest of the three of us.

"Oh." I didn't have much to say. Lee shouldn't be here.

But he is.

Fucking get lost.

"Do you need something?" I tried to get this conversation over with.

"I just wanted–"

"There's nothing wrong, you're good."

My head was ringing, I couldn't think straight as the pain doubled.


"Please, just leave." I folded my hands together keeping the drops of water inside. I can't remember the last time I cried in front of someone other than that day.

"I'm sorry," Lee bowed before rushing away.

"What is going on with you?" Hwang's voice was rising but I couldn't handle it. So many sounds and voices were ringing in my head.

"Hwang." I started slowly. I didn't want to start a fight, not when I' like this.

"One moment you're chill the next your a complete ass–"

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