Chapter 17

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It was mid afternoon, I haven't eaten lunch yet

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It was mid afternoon, I haven't eaten lunch yet. I'm not hungry either. Working distracts me from everything I've wanted to run away from. I left Berry at home today, I don't think she was willing to come anyway unless Lee was here. Well technically he is, but just not in the same room.

"Mr.Bang," Han called from outside my office. He must've found something.

"Come in," I allowed myself to sit back down on my office chair. "Did you find anything?" I asked with a bit of hope.

"Yes, and it also connects with an acquaintance of yours....." Han let his voice descend slowly.

"What does someone I know have to do with my projects being leaked?" I asked.

"You know how each time we lose something big, there's a symbol." Han started. I nodded for him to continue. "I've investigated recent murder cases and Hwang's drug drivers have been killed on highways. The same symbol was engraved with a knife on their stomach." Han finished.

"Hwang?" I asked in disbelief. I had no clue he was a drug dealer. "Are you sure it's Hwang?"

"Yes, they have an underground drug business. I assume they either kept it hidden from the caps or they bribed the police department." Han stood in front of my desk.

"You're like an npc, sit down." I joked but he complied. "You have something to say? You look a bit out of it." I asked, noticing Han's shaky breath.

"I've been going to the hospital regularly with Lily, her condition isn't getting any better...." Han looked down at his lap. I did feel bad for him, I haven't seen Lily in a while. She's a sweet innocent little girl who deserved the world.

Han's late wife died giving birth and now Lily was all he had. She was a respectable woman, nice, and kind. Never did anything dirty, her marriage with Han was out of love. She was one of the only women I allowed in my life. She was born fragile and died fragile. Han took a long break after her passing.

"I'll keep getting more doctors–"

"No, I-i don't want you to be wasting time on me." Han's eyes gotten glossy.

"Han," I looked at him. "I'm here to help, we've been buddies for a while so let me." I wasn't the best at comforting but Han was worth the effort.

"T-thank you."


We were now driving to Hwang, I don't think he'd be the happiest person alive to see me. Han drove into a wrecked parking lot with a warehouse further out. I would definitely not expect Hwang to be working at a place like this.

"Hey!" A man walked up to me with a baseball bat. Well that's basic.

"What?" I asked, keeping my cold face. Well it is my resting face, I'm too lazy to make an effort of emotion.

"You're not allowed here." The man grinned at me smugly. It really bothered me but I had to control my anger.

"Hold it." Another man came, he had a great jawline and his clothes hugged onto his body. I would say he was attractive but Hwang was the main goal. Only as a sex buddy though.

"Take me to Hwang." I demanded, Han just stood beside me silent.

"Why do you need to see him?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Business problems, and we both are after the same thing." I smiled deviously.

"Call me Park or Jay from here out, he turned away and I knew he was making me follow him. It's not like I own this place, but if I owned Hwang then that counts right?

Now that I think about it, mine and Lee's marriage is coming up in a month or two. Lee.... I won't be able to call him that soon. It feels weird to think of him as a Bang. I continued walking, smelling the stench of drugs and blood. Like a slaughterhouse.

"Hwang!" Park yelled once we got in the warehouse.

"The fuck you want." A familiar raven haired me but as soon as he saw me, his face grimaced. It made me lightly chuckle. "Why are you here?" He raised a brow. I'm surprised he doesn't care about me knowing his work.

"No reason." Well that was a lie.

"What? Sex?" He asked boldly not minding his language. His lips looked a bit glossy. And his eyes were looking right at me. Not that it gave me a strong feel of butterflies but I was definitely turned on.

"That could be–"

"Get lost." I could've sworn I heard Han laugh behind me. Staying in my shadows like that while I get all the shame.

"That's not the actual reason." I sighed.

"Then what is it?" He asked looking back.

I took out a piece of paper, with a symbol Hwang recognized pretty fast. A black crow.

"How do you know that?" He asked almost stuttering.

"Same people are bothering us." Let's see if he's actually willing to work with me.

"Oh...." He was speechless. "What do you want from me?" He asked his brows furrowed together.

"Nothing, just a bit of partnership." I smiled, I could tell he was a bit intimidated. But I noticed a soft blush paint his cheeks. "What's wrong?" I smirked.

"I can allow us to work together, but I will not let you use my body." Hwang looked at me, his eyes gathering a bit of water. Was he gonna cry? Yes, I am attracted to Hwang's body but that doesn't mean I'd just go rail him. I'm a decent human being, in some criteria's.

Unless murder doesn't count......

"Relax," I started. "I'm not gonna force anything on you. I also want to kill the asshole who keeps messing with my projects." I finished.

"Good." He walked away. I saw a part of his tattoo's coming onto the back of his nape and the side of his neck. I didn't see them at the party. Did he cover them up?

"I can give you our numbers." Park came in handing a sticky note with his and Hwang's number. I didn't really need his, Hwang's would suffice. I took it anyway and handed it to Han.

"See ya." I turned around, and I heard a faint bye from Park. 


Question of the chapter 

What do you think happened to Bang? ----> 😌

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