Chapter 48

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I was happy for Lee. He'd finally received some affection from Bang after so long. But he looked pretty bummed after Bang left suddenly, he wouldn't tell me why. Just smiled it off and moved on. I want to know. I want to know why Bang went and how Lee was so patient. It was getting to me too well, the curiosity.

So here we are, back in South Korea after a long journey. I was in my apartment resting, too lazy to go to work. I'm sure Park can handle the warehouses, he's a responsible man with no mercy. But if it came to his lover then everything else went out the window. Yang was his one and only, they've been together for a while now.

Thinking back to my romantic life, there wasn't much except the fact that I was in love with two people and they happened to be engaged. The feeling of third wheeling kinda stung. I didn't mind when I was with Yang or Park, but if it was with Lee or Bang then I feel like breaking down.

It's been about a week since Bang had gone and Lee's been busy doing his thing and getting ready to go on a world tour. I was happy for him. Truly. I kinda wished to join him since the mood for finding a murderer on my own wasn't much of a vibe.

Ding! Dong!

The aggravating sound of the doorbell rang and I took my lazy ass to get up and check what the fuck was up.

I walked through the white halls of my apartment making my way to the front door. I opened it to be greeted with thin air. I was about to shit the door pissed off until I noticed a white letter on the ground. Picking it up, I shut the door heading to the couch.

I sat down opening the white folds of the paper to find images of . . . . Bang? His strict posture with a fierce poker face and his vigourous eyes staring through the photo. I looked through the several images mailed to me. Each one getting worse and worse to the point of seeing a dead body all chewed up.


I was well aware of Berry being a tiger but I had completely forgotten her power of slaughtery. I wasn't necessarily scared, just more intimidated but impressed. I sound like a psycho thinking of all this but I had to admit it was pretty hot of Bang. . .

Did Lee know this side existed of the formal and posh Bang? Did he know the craziness that ran through me? The sins I've committed without regret? I tried to imagine the fear on Lee's face if he were to know. The conflicts that occur.

My phone dinged, making me groan but I picked it up either way. I unlocked it checking my messages and finding Yeji at the top.

Yeji 🐈👧

Big bro get ur ass here!

The fuck you want?

I'm pretty busy right now at work and Niki's coming over from the States.
 can't pick him up right now, I'm in a meeting.
Can you?
Pwease 🥺

Sure 🙄
You owe me

You're literally picking up your little bro
Why do I owe you??

I'm expecting to see a fancy dinner tonight and it's on you

I hope both sides of ur pillows are hot 🖕


I chuckled, closing my screen, and focused back on the reality of my issue. Niki was coming over, I guess I could chill with him for some time. Now that I think about it, how was Lee doing? He'd been busy at work but the videos I've seen of him worried me. Fans noticed too, his eyes were puffy and his lips chapped. He still looked stunning but his condition made me concerned.

I took up the courage to drive to Lee's; he was probably alone and miserable. I hoped my presence could change that at least a little bit.

I left my apartment with my bike keys and helmet. The vehicle waited in the same spot in the garage as usual. I hopped on switched it on and stepped on the pedal hearing the roar of the bike echo through the garage

I stepped on the gas pedal and felt wind flow through my clothes as I drove fast on the road.


I was right. I stood in front of him, his eye bags clear, and his puffed-out cheeks. His lips were a rich red with blood smeared on it.

"A-are you okay?" I asked walking to him worried. "What happened to you?" His clothes were smeared in bright red which I could only suppose was blood.

"I-i. . . I don't know." He said looking down at the floor. I didn't know what happened but I consoled him either way. Taking him in my embrace and not minding the future blood pigments on my shirt.

"I'm okay," I whispered. "I don't know what happened, but It'll be okay," I said hoping it could calm him down.

"He's n-not real." Lee sobbed embracing me tight, his face stuffed in my chest as I felt his tears wet my shirt.

"Who's not real?" I didn't know if it was a good thing to question but it had to be done sooner or later. Stalling and beating around the bush wouldn't help much either.

"M-my father." Lee sniffed squeezing harder as his voice cracked mid-sentence.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion making him look at me. His eyes were glossy and his lips were a vibrant red. A heavy hue of red painted across his cheeks and his hair was messy.

Lee took a few deep breaths stabilizing his breathing, I waited patiently rubbing his back in gentle circles. Lee leaned into my touch with desperation his soft sniffing being the only source of sound while the fireplace burned the wood to ashes. The crackles of wood with Lee's sobs filled the house, the small echoes passing through the walls.

Finally, he was ready.

"He's not my real father." 


I happened to be working on an skz texting au as well~ 

Anyone willing to read?? It's called the "8 Idiots." It's not a focus on a main ship but all the members. :3


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