Explained cus yall r slow :D

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"Wanna Play?"

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"Wanna Play?"

Panic crashed over me as my heart sank, the familiar body that should have been in the bedroom was now laying on the ground. Blood pooled around him staining the floor to its bright crimson shade. 

"M-Minho?" I stuttered but the view in front of me was something I thought I'd never see. 

"C'mon, Hyunjin," He laughed wickedly. "Don't you love me?" 

"You killed him?" 

"Killed him?" He said putting a finger to his chin thinking innocently. "Why would I kill him?" He smiled. 

"Put the knife down," I said walking carefully slow, my heart beat sped and my mind told me to run. But I wasn't a coward to run away from him. No fucking way. 


so that's the end of the book and now I'll go into detail since there's a handful who want to know what happened. 

Minho is caught with a knife in his hands while a "familiar" body is next to him and supposedly "dead" all according to what Hyunjin saw. Now we don't know what happened because my lazy ass didn't write it. 

And who was the dead body? If we take context clues like "Familiar," " should have been in the bedroom." The only character that we can recall from the latest is Chan being in the bedroom before Hyunjin ran off to find Minho. 

Now Finding Minho, he also happened to find Chan's body "dead" next to him. Whether Minho killed him or not will still remain a mystery as well as why he did it. 

There aren't many clues that say why Minho did what he did but we can make assumptions. For instance, he could've felt the need to kill them after his dad's murder had been leaked so maybe fear of acceptance. 

But we can refer back to when Chan had left Minho and Hyunjin. Hyunjin had found Minho covered in blood and we can all remember from the early chapters that Minho has a fear of blood and knives. 

Now the result of him facing his fear had turned him into a ..... physco? Sadist? 

Another thing, "When did Minho kill his dad?" Well if he was with Hyunjin and Chan while the killing happened it definitely meant he was doing this alone which only means he had someone help him. Chan was the reason Minho's dad is hospitalized BUT Minho and a mystery person were the reason for his death. 

Next: "Does that mean Minho was never small and cute." "Minho was faking all along." 
I guess that's a yes AND no. Minho was genuine during their whole relationship. The whole fuckup thing happened AFTER Chan had left so if he were to never leave I guess none of that would never have happened. 

If there are anymore questions let me know and I'll answer em all here just like I did now <3

there will be no more chapters or any sequels so ask what u can :)


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