Chapter 2

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I left the cold shower, my bruises still hurt

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I left the cold shower, my bruises still hurt. He hadn't bothered me for a few days, I hope not today either. I looked down at my torso. Marks of a belt were printed on my skin. The belt wasn't what hurt though. It was the metal part that stung like hell.

I may be an adult, but that doesn't mean I can just humbly walk out of this hellhole peacefully. My father would never. I walked into my closet, I had dance practice today. I wish it was my vocalist that came in but I'm stuck with a dancer. My dance is perfect. Why do I need to get any better? I knew one thing for sure, It would hurt.

Ever since the car accident, my father has put the blame on me. Honestly, I agree with him. If I wasn't late in waking up and getting ready, she would have lived. I hated my birthday. That truck might have never run over us.

I slipped on a tee and sweatpants since it was only just practice today. I looked in the mirror, there was a scar on my cheek. I pushed my silver hair back to cover the scar with foundation. It was the only way I would hide the fact that I get abused on a daily basis.

I was at the door of my room, hesitant to open it. I knew what would happen. The thought terrified me. I took in a deep breath turning the metal knob pulling the door to open. I was greeted with silence. That was normal, I think? I was worried about what I would see downstairs. I slowly but carefully walked down the stairs pushing my hair back. I dyed it silver a few days ago and ended up with a belt. At least it wasn't a knife. I gulped seeing two figures on the table.

"Good morning young master." Our head servant bowed to me.

"G-good morning." I stuttered. I could already feel my fathers eyes on me. I slowly walked to the dining table and sat across from Felix. I didn't touch my food. No one did. We weren't allowed to touch it until my father had taken a bite and finished it. So poisoning him would be quite easy. Unless he makes you eat the food first which was on very rare occasions.

Like today, my birthday.

"Eat." He spoke not touching the food but not looking at me either. I carefully took the fork and knife cutting a piece from the pancake. It surprised me how he even bothered to care for my birthday. I hated knives. I hated the fact that I even held on right now. I knew he was aware of what I was thinking. I swallowed my spit before opening my mouth chewing on the piece of food.

Everyone else started to eat, everyone as in Felix and my father. Birthdays were not my thing, I quit it the year after my mother died. My father assumed I was a brat for wanting a balloon I saw a man sell on the streets. It was my mothers death anniversary, so apparently I was ungrateful. That day was the first day I got to know what an abusive parent was. And my fear of knives. Blood.

I dreaded it. I would rather jump off a building than smell a pool of blood. Hell, I would stay a 6 ft radius from it. No, that's not enough–

"Happy birthday hyung." Felix broke awkward silence in the room. Well it wasn't necessarily silent. Just the sounds of metal clinking against each other.

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