Chapter 37

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All hail Hyunchan 🛐

Hanbin hyung and I decided to come to my place since he wanted to check it out

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Hanbin hyung and I decided to come to my place since he wanted to check it out. Plus the mall got boring especially with the paparazzi following me. I warned Hanbin but he didn't bother listening. It's so tiring, I just don't get why they can't leave public figures alone. It's basically legal stalking.

I heard the doorbell ring, which only meant Bang and Hwang were here. I didn't really expect anyone else to be here, but why was the bell rung? Hwang and Bang both knew the passcode and had the keys. Hanbin hyung and I were in my room binge-watching a new anime on Netflix.

"I'll go get that." I said getting up and he nodded, keeping his eyes glued on my computer. It was a gloomy November afternoon, and Hanbin hyung and I ordered Mcdonalds. We were just chilling and having a bit of fun today since I took today off because my schedule had been packed for the last few weeks.

I walked down the black hallways of my home, making my way to the doorway. Berry was asleep in the music and library room, which meant I could close Hyung's fears for a bit until the beast woke up.

There was no peeking hole on the door which meant I had to open it to find out who was on the other side. I wasn't expecting anymore and I had no mail I ordered either. The monthly newspaper had already been delivered. So I really had no idea.

I fisted the heavy door knob twisted the lock above it before opening the heavy door. I was greeted with a sketchy man, he had a black cap covering his eyes and a mask that hid a great portion of his face.

"Can I help you?" I was a bit nervous. He handed me a letter shoving it against my chest. I looked at the letter and backed up but he was gone. Disappeared. What the fuck?

My heart was racing, not from love or affection, but from fucking fear. I closed the door making sure no one was outside. Hanbin hyung was still upstairs watching which left me alone here. Berry was asleep while Bang and Hwang did their shit. I was alone, the creepy man definitely sent a child down my back. I looked at the letter. What was it? Was it for me?

I swallowed my saliva and went to the island in the kitchen, sitting on the stool I stared at the letter in my hand. What the fuck was this? I carefully tore the letter open finding a bunch of pictures . . . of Hwang?

There were victims, their faces beaten like a pulp, all bloody and bruised. The kind you'd see in horror movies. A large knife cut down their arm, that was fucking terrifying. But there was a picture of Hwang, he held a knife stabbing someone's leg. I dropped the images ruffling my hands through my hair. I knew Hwang was dangerous, but why am I still scared?

Forget that, why did he give it to me? I saw a small folded paper hiding under the image of Hwang. I flipped the photocard, not letting my eyes catch the horror sight again. I took the folded paper, cautiously unfolding it to see a small note.

Let's play hide and seek!

I'll be the seeker. . . and you can hide.


What the fuck. Who was that guy? Was he working for someone? I have so many unanswered questions. And what were the pictures of Hwang for? If I got this than someone knows Hwang and I became fuck buddies. Which also meant they knew what was happening between Bang, Hwang and I. The conflicts between us.

I took the pictures along with the note and headed upstairs to Hanbin hyung. His eyes were stuck to the screen watching the movie. There was no way I was gonna tell him what just happened.

I shoved the letter in my nightstands drawer before joining Hanbin hyung. I couldn't get what I saw and read out of my mind which bothered me for the rest of the day. 

Bang was so fucking difficult

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Bang was so fucking difficult. One time he'd love us, the next he hates us. We finished our awkward lunch at the restaurant and the rain had died down. Just small drizzles of water here and there, good enough to walk around. So we were on our way again but it was complete silence.

Neither of us wanted to talk to each other, I honestly don't get why Bang can't open op, just a bit. I don't need his whole life story but it would've been nice if he could talk a bit about himself. His past doesn't seem very unicorn and rainbows like, maybe his childhood? But I have no fucking clue.

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked him, breaking the silence.

"Nope." He said plainly. What the fuck was up with this guy.

"We're basically dumbasses walking around, at least chill out and let us have some fun." I said, rolling my eyes of boredom.

"Like where?"

"A club!" I said excitedly.

"You wanna hook up with someone right after fucking Lee?" Bang asked me raising a brow.

"No. . . plus Lee and I are just fuck buddies." Ouch, that hurt. "Yeah. . . just that."

"Dumb excuse."

"It's not an excuse." I glared at Bang, he was such a party pooper.

"Whatever you say my prince." Bang stopped talking the moment the word slipped out of his mouth. Prince. That sounded nice coming from him, the way the word just came right out turned me on already.

"Prince, huh." I smirked.

"Shut the fuck up." He cursed walking ahead.

"Hey!" I yelled catching up. "I didn't say I hated it." I defended myself from future false accusations.

"Forget I said anything." He looked away from me.

"Fucking never," I said laughing. I genuinely loved that name. "If I'm the prince, and Lee is a sunshine princess." I started. "What might you be dear Bang~"

"I said forget it." He moved away from me.

"Never~" I was not gonna drop it, but I couldn't seem to get the fact out that I loved being called that. Prince, it had a nice ring to it especially from Bang. "So are we going to the club?" I asked happily.

"I guess. . ." Bang sighed, taking his phone out so we could head back to the car.

This might not be a bad day after all.


Red Lights nxt chap iykyk 🤭👌


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