Chapter 42

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It was around 6PM, the three of us decided to stop by the sauna since that was the reason we came here

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It was around 6PM, the three of us decided to stop by the sauna since that was the reason we came here. Lee had a small bed that held his change of clothes, conveniently It had space for more so Bang and I shoved ours in as well. Well Bang shoved his whole ass facial care shit in adding more weight.

Lee looked cute while holding the bad up to his chest, walking but also dragging a bit behind.

"Give me that for a second," I said, taking the uncannily heavy bag. I saw Bang next to me and shoved it towards him.


"Be the man and hold it," I said smiling while I took Lee's hand.

"Aren't you one too?" Raised a brow.

"You're the oldest, plus you have a bigger dick so you're more manly than us." I shrugged. When I looked at Lee, his face was flushed while his eyes were on the ground. "What are you thinking about, princess?" I smirked, squeezing Lee's hand and pulling him closer.

"He's thinking of my dick, jealous?" Bang started a mini fight with me. Well I could definitely not back down.

"What!" Lee said flustered. "I-it wasn't about that," He stuttered cutely.

"Then is it Bang fucking you?" I teased Lee pulling him to my other side where he stood between Bang and I.

"We're not there yet." Lee said speed walking to the changing room.

"Keyword: 'yet'." Bang said emphasizing on 'yet'. Lee didn't respond when the entrance of the changing room was shut. "Cute." I heard Bang whisper.

"So you think Lee is cute?" I decided to target Bang, noticing the short time I have before we ended up joining Lee.

"What makes you think I thought he was ugly?"

"You two didn't get along very well at the start." I said simply. "And you guys are even engaged." That word hurt to leave my mouth. I pray Bang didn't notice but I guess god wasn't on my side.


"Let's go, Lee's waiting." I said cutting off Bang and walking inside. There were shower stalls on the left with sinks and mirrors right across them. The right side had lockers with small benches in front. Lee was sitting on one with his head back.

I looked down to his fingers where the red ring was on his index finger. My heart clenched when I remembered Bang had the same one.

"What's wrong?" Lee asked, noticing the distress.

"Nothing," I said. "I wanna go in."

"Like that?" Lee asked, pointing to me.

"Oh yeah, O forgot." I said looking down at my clothes. "Why aren't you in yet? You got here before us."

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