Chapter 10

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Happy 10 chapters!! <3

I was in the office, I haven't been here for a while

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I was in the office, I haven't been here for a while. Life in Australia served me a lot, the company here in South Korea wasn't terrible, but I'd bring it up to the level back in Australia. Han had his own office outside of mine. The whole first floor was dedicated to me. I liked it that way. Employee's gossiped a lot, especially about me. I had to uphold my reputation here.

"Mr.Bang," Han knocked on my office doors. "It's urgent, well kinda." Kinda?

"Come in." I rested my chin on my hand leaning against my desk.

"The Lee's requests to see you." He held his clipboard against his chest, and his legs were close together. Han was quite weak in front of the public. He did mention having social anxiety, but he did his work. That's all that mattered. I hire employees to work for me, not for babysitting. For some reason Han was an exception. I've helped him countless times with his panic attacks, to be completely honest. Han is one of the only people I've ever opened up with, he's like a little brother to me If I had to be honest.

"Which Lee are we talking off," I asked.

"Mr. Lee and his youngest son," Han answered.

"Who's the youngest son again," I leaned back in my office chair looking to the ceiling.

"Lee Felix, your fiance's younger brother."

So he's an older brother, he doesn't look like one. Far from it if you ask me. He looks like a weak little kitten abandoned on the streets.

"Call them in," I sighed. I couldn't give two shits about the Lee's nor this marriage. I wasn't up for this lifetime partner thing.

"My apologies for visiting on such short notice," Mr.Lee seeked pardon the moment he entered my room. I really didn't like this guy, he was just there. I remember seeing Lee look terrified of him. I put my my thats aside gesturing to Mr.Lee to sit.

"Do you need something," He seemed to be bothered by the fact I ignored his apology, I really could care less though.

"I just wanted to see if you were willing to make a deal with me," He smiled. My company was prospering right now, I didn't need a deal.

"I think I'll pass." I politely declined his request. I could see a vein pop out from his neck, he was angry. Did I care? Not a fucking chance.

"Are you sure, This could be quite beneficial-"

"Mr.Lee, I'm not looking for any deals at the moment." I looked him dead in the eye. I wasn't trying to pick a fight with him, why would I possibly want to waste time on him. Suddenly Berry came to mind. I smirked knowing how I could get rid of Mr.Lee. "Han, bring berry." I whispered to him, he nodded before leaving. Mr.Lee looked puzzled. Felix just didn't care, he's been quiet this entire time. At Least he didn't seem like a lot of work.

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