Chapter 34

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It's been 2 weeks since Hwang and I did it, I have zero regrets

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It's been 2 weeks since Hwang and I did it, I have zero regrets. But when I returned home I could never catch sight of Bang, it's like he's completely avoiding me. He started coming later than he usually would and woke up even earlier. Is he even getting any sleep? And on top of that he even goes out with Hwang, and the two were quite suspicious.

Hwang also hasn't talked to me in a while, I do see him when he comes by but all he says is "hi" and he's off. Was he just using me? No that can't be it, but it feels like it. So now I'm back to how I used to be, alone.

I killed the thoughts and curled myself on the couch. It was a Saturday evening and I was by myself as usual. I took the TV remote scrolling through Netflix in search of something to watch. I'm fucking bored and I have no life.

There were several recommendations on my account, mostly anime which I was glad about and even some thriller shows. I looked kept pressing the right button until I came across a popular movie, Train To Busan, I haven't watched this yet.

But watching it alone, especially when it was getting dark outside, is definitely scary. Koreans, for some odd reason, excel in making zombie movies. Everything looks realistic and so does the acting. I kicked off my fears and clicked play bracing for whatever may come.

The beginning was okay, nothing too scary. But my anxiety levels were at it's peak when the infected girl got on the train. I conveniently had a blanket with me covering myself up to my eyes. And just the door opened which made jump and my heart leap out.

I looked to the front door bending my back to get a glimpse, Hwang and Bang were here. Was it raining outside?I hadn't noticed. They were both drenched. Both wore a white shirt, Bang only wearing a button up while Hwang had a plain shirt. I paused the TV right where it showed the horrifying zombie face.

I shuddered getting up and hugging myself from the small breeze of the air conditioning. I looked back to the hallway to see them both stare right at me, what were they looking for.

Hwang was definitely not subtle with his moves as his eyes drifted over my body. Yeah no, my ass hurt the next day after that night. I barely could walk and Hanbin Hyung assumed Bang was the one fucking me. I can't blame him since the world doesn't know the mess I had gotten myself into.

"I'll get guys a towel, wait here." I blurted out, noticing Bang's deathly glare at me. I headed to the nearest bathroom, opening the cupboards and taking two white towels that were cleaned a few hours ago by the maid.

I hurriedly walked back to the living room handing the towels to them, I refused to help any of them dry their hair. I also didn't need Bang being an asshole in my face. And plus, they both were on a wide streak of ignoring me.

"Not gonna help me, princess?" Hwang snickered, leaving the towel on him without even bothering to dry himself.

"What are you? A kid?" Bang rolled his eyes, drying his hair.

I did the smartest choice I could think of, I walked away. I am not putting up with either of them when they ignore me and leave me alone. I'm not some lost little kitten who is attached to every single person. I don't want to be an annoying big that bothers anyone. A pushover.

So I walked away, with a heavy heart. I felt like shit now that I noticed my eyes were brimmed with tears. I walked up the stairs quickly closing my door as loud as I could.

I choked out a small sob leaning my back against the door and sliding to the ground. The water droplets slid down my cheeks without control, my heart feeling the pain it did many times before all this happened.

Was it all really going back to how it used to be ? I have so much useless hope in me. Lee Minho, you dumbass–

"Are you okay in there?" I heard Hwang from the other side of the door. I stiffened my throat building a response.

"Y-yeah," Fuck, "Just tired." So tired. . .

"Do you want–"

"I don't want anything. . . I just need to be alone." I sighed, stuffing my head in the gap of my knees.

"Would it make you feel better if Bang was here?" I felt Hwang's grin through his words. And No, Bang would just make me want to go on my knees for him. "Cause he feels pretty guilty too," Bang? Feeling guilt? That's new. . .

"Your humor is growing." I laughed softly.

"It'll be better if you open the door." Hwang said.

"Fuck off." I giggled lightly, I don't get how he suddenly cares about me if I end up all emotional and shit.

"I think I might get sick if no one dries my hair~" Hwang cooed from the other side. I sighed with a mini smile on my face. Getting off my but I opened the door to see Hwang with his famous smirk and a towel over his head that hasn't been touched since I left it there.

"Such a baby," I teased. Hwang walked in, sitting on the bed. It felt a bit awkward with us since we haven't had a proper conversation with him. "Why are you here?" I asked rubbing the towel against his hair.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you here after ignoring me for 2 weeks?" I said with a bit of attitude while also getting a bit aggressive with the towel.

"Princess," Hwang groaned a bit trying to avoid my drying skills. Well he wasn't going anywhere, not without answering my questions.

"What is it hurting you?" I said pushing harder.

"Y-yeah," And then I heard him moan. The moment I heard that I stopped whatever I was doing, letting the fistfull of his hair go.

"Did you just. . ?" I was speechless.

"There's a lot you still don't know about me, princess." Hwang took my waist pushing me onto his lap.

"Are you two really doing it here?" Bang was leaning against the door frame with Berry at his feet.

"Yeah, wanna join?" Hwang smirked while my face turned redder than it ever has. And I was prepared to hear Bang say no, but he hadn't said a word. Instead he came in sitting down leaning his back against the bed frame.

"This is my bedroom, not the living room, " I started getting off of Hwang's lap. "Get out."

"Too tired," Bang and Hwang said in unison. Hwang just slept on my bed like a pig while Bang was resting against the bed frame. Berry was the only real one.

"Don't think I'd forget," Hwang started leaning his head on his palm. "You still haven't answered my question Bang~" He said teasingly.

"What question?"

"You wanna join us?" 


harharhar 🤭

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