Chapter 18

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I just got back from work

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I just got back from work. I was trying to find my keys in my pocket which didn't take long. Lily should be asleep by now, she rarely stays awake. She really needs the rest though.

I pushed the key into its hole and turned it, hearing a click from the other side. I was greeted with quiet silence and darkness from the peaceful night. I saw a dim light come from Lily's room. I slid off my shoes and hung my coat before walking to the room.


"Daddy," I saw my small girl in her bed smiling at me. She still had her two braids on, two pipes of oxygen coming from the nostrils of her nose. I wish I could help her, nothing works though.

"Hey baby," I smiled softly sitting next to her. "Why aren't you asleep yet?" I asked, pushing back her bangs behind her ears.

"I wanted to w-wait for you," She yawned, she was a copy and paste of her mother. I miss her terribly, I lost her, I don't want to lose Lily either.

"You need to rest , don't you know that?" I cupped her cheeks, rubbing my thumb over her forehead softly.

"I missed you though." She pouted, I chuckled softly.

"I'm here now, sleep." I pulled her covers up and tucked her in nice and warm. I was about to leave until–

"Wait, daddy." She called me. "Can you stay until I s-sleep?" She asked me softly. Her eyes looked at me pleading, her small nose, her small lips. Just like her mothers.

"Of course baby," I leaned down kissing her forehead, "Since I'm here," I started. "Where do you want to go for your birthday? It's next week." I smiled.

"I don't want to go anywhere," She said. "But I want a party!" She smiled cheekily. She was a little chubby on the face, but that made her cuter than she already was. She looked a little like me, but I think her mom was closer.

"Do you have any friends from kindergarten?" I asked, her smile didn't disappear completely.

"A few," She answered softly. I saw a small blush on her face, I didn't think a 6 year old would be finding love now.

"You should give them my number, I'll give their parent's a call." I smiled.

"Okay, but there's one more thing I wanted to ask." She looked at me softly.

"Yes baby?"

"Can Uncle Channie come?" She tilted her head.

"I'll invite his family, I'm sure you miss Mrs.Bang."

"I miss her cheesecake." She pouted.

"You know Uncle Bang is engaged?" I told her, Bang keeps messing with me so this is a little revenge.

"Really!? Is she pretty?" She asked, here eyes lit up like the stars in the night sky.

"It's a boy, he's engaged to a boy."

"Is he good looking?" She asked not a single light fading from her eyes.

"I don't know, you decide for me." I kissed her hand.

"Can Lee Know come?" She asked out of the blue. Who's Lee Know?

"Who's that baby?"

"He's an idol, I really like his songs." She giggled. "He has a new song coming soon!" She smiled like there was no tomorrow.

"Really? Since when do you like idols?" I asked, maybe they could be under Chris's company.

"Since my friend showed me," She rolled her eyes. She really was like her mom.

"Wait, is Uncle Bang's finance coming?" She asked hopefully.

"I'll invite him too," I told her. "Now sleep, I'll be right here." She closed her eyes letting her mind drift off to dreamland.


It was around 9 AM on a saturday morning, I was taking Lily to the cat cafe she's been wanting to go to. The cafe was decked out with a soft wooden color, there were a lot of whites and pinks as items. Cats were in every corner, I looked down to see a wide smile grow on Lily's face.

I looked around and I saw several people looking at my daughter. I knew they were thinking about the oxygen tanks. It was the only way she could breathe.

"They look so cute," She squealed, her mouth beginning to get wide as she looked at the furry animals wandering the shop.

"We can play after we get something to eat," I told her, and we took a table near the window wall. I let her sit down while I went to order.

When I stood in line, I noticed two familiar people waiting in front of me. I could only see the back of their heads which only let me think with their clothes and hair. A blond male wearing a black casual wear. A platinum haired with a bit of more comfortable oversized clothes.

For a second my mind thought they would be the Lee brothers, until I realized they actually were. I recognised the blond's voice when he was taking his orders. Now I pray they don't look at who stands behind them.

I guess I jinxed it when I saw the older Lee look behind him, he had a black mask on that I didn't notice. Then again he is an idol. He tilted his head and made a small wave. It's too good if he ends up telling his younger brother.

Well fuck.

"Oh, hey Hannie." Felix smiled at me as soon as he finished taking their order. I pray they don't question why I was here. "Why are you here?"

Well karma is a bitch.

"I'm here for my daughter." I spoke softly, they were bound to know soon anyway. I was gonna invite Lee Minho either way.

"You have a kid....?" I saw a bit of sadness on the blonde's face, It definitely didn't concern me so I ignored it.

"Yeah, Lily." I answered. "Can you move?" I asked and they both compiled. Now that I think about it, what were the two of them doing here anyway. I would ask but I need to take my order.

"Hi! What can I get you," The girl at the counter asked me happily while doing her job.

"I'll take an iced americano and a slice of chocolate cake." I swiped my credit card on the keypad. She gave me a thumbs up and a small piece of paper with a number order. When I turned around I noticed both the Lee's still here.

"Let's sit together," Felix requested, well it sounded like a request.


"Daddy!" I heard Lily from the table, she waved at me smiling big.

"She's cute." Felix said, looking at her and then back at me. Minho hyung hadn't said anything keeping shut. I guess he's the introvert between him and his brother.

"Fine." I sighed going back to the table with the Lee's following me.

Let's see how this morning goes...


don't attack me if I get something wrong for the cat cafe, I've never been to one 😭

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