Chapter 50

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Long time no see :D

My body was so fucking sore

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My body was so fucking sore. Hwang had taken no mercy on me last night, knowing me well in the sexual field. Karma hurt like a bitch but it was definitely worth it. The bruises around my neck and the red swelling on my waist were dark in crimson and my lips were bright red. I could assume Hwang was on Cloud 9 last night.

I tucked Hwang in pulling the covers of the bed over him and walking out limping a bit.

The black halls of the house I shared were so lonely now, the blank empty place I lived in. Only empty after the only person who made it worth living in was gone. I promised I'd wait for him and he promised he'd come back to us.

It's been about 3 weeks since Bang left, and in a few days was Christmas Eve. My world tour had started and the first on the list happened to be Sydney, Australia. I had no idea if Bang was there right now or not. But I pray I see him soon.

Hwang decided to tag along not wanting to leave me alone. And my father. . . he's in a coma and still hasn't woken up. Felix had been covering for him and taking care of the media at the same time, I tried my best to help as much as I could but didn't succeed well. So I supported my little brother as best as I could.

8 AM and here I am sitting on the couch eating ice cream. My lazy ass did not have the energy to make or do anything and Bang is usually the one cooking in this household. I inhaled deeply thinking, my world tour started in Seoul and tomorrow was the flight to Sydney. Maybe I could find Bang? If that's where he was, I wanted to know so desperately but he hasn't responded to any of my messages.

Daddy Bang

The contact suited him quite well. It'd be better if neither Hwang nor Bang saw it. They would tease me for life.

Daddy Bang

Good night <3
Seen 2 days ago

I just ate breakfast!
Seen yesterday

My concert ended a little while ago and im fucking tired

Seen yesterday

Hwang's at our place :)
Seen last night




At Least he saw my messages, it made me feel a tad bit better that he knew I cared. Bang needed time alone, his mind felt like a wild jungle with the deadliest creatures. But oddly, I wasn't scared, I was filled with delirium. The adrenaline rushed through me whenever Hwang or Bang were around.

My thoughts escaped when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I took it to be Hwang and continued eating my ice cream. The steps came down with a soft thud that echoed throughout the house.

"Morning," A familiar husky voice said, walking to the couch. He had sweats that he stole from Bang's closet and it looked a little big on him. He also had no shirt on, and he humbly walked around showing off his abs with hickeys around his neck to his chest.

"Care to wear a shirt?" I asked for another spoonful of chocolate ice cream.

"Nah, I'm chill like this." He grinned, pouring himself a glass of water. He took it to his mouth drinking it, his Adam's apple being displayed while water dripped at the crease of his lips running down his jaw. His hair was tied up with loose strands escaping the bun.

"That's sexy," I said, looking at him shamelessly. Hwang put the glass down and looked at me with his siren eyes. The corners of his mouth tilted up and his eyes darkened.

"Are you really asking for another round just when I fucked you hard last night?" Hwang said walking to me.

"Maybe," I shrugged, feeling my lips turn into a sneaky smile. I set the ice cream bowl down and looked up to see Hwang towering over me.

"Aren't you the slightest bit sore?"

"I can handle it." I grinned, pulling him down with his shoulders. Our lips intertwined. No room for air between us. His chest against mine while his hands massaged my hips slowly making the small pain from the marks turn into something sweet and stabbing.

"You make me do the craziest shit for you, you know that?" He said breaking apart and breathing ragged against my mouth.

"I'm well aware." I smiled. "You know what would be crazier?" I said. Hwang tilted his head in amusement but nodded for me to go on.

"If you and–"

My phone started to ring with my random ringtone. "I'LL BE YOUR MAN-" Cut the song off by clicking the green button displayed on my screen. Hwang started to frown when I started to speak on the other line.


"You're flying in 2 hours. You're ready right?" Hanbin Hyung said. I completely forgot about it, distracted from last night's wild cruise.

"T-totally." I cursed at myself for stuttering.

"Lee Minho, I better see your ass here in 30 minutes." He threatened me.

"Yes sir," I said with such determination I cut the call and looked back at Hwang.

"What is it?" He asked, clearly pissed that we were interrupted.

"Well. . . it's our flight." I said blinking convincingly at Hwang hoping he wouldn't strangle me, though I definitely wouldn't mind.

"How long do we have?"

"He said to be there in 30 minutes."

"We have time." He chuckled, pushing me down and capturing my lips again.


"I said 30 minutes, not an hour." Hanbin Hyung said glaring at me the moment Hwang and I had gotten in.

"We were. . . stuck in heavy traffic," I said coming up with an excuse.

"Oh really? Heavy traffic when it's Saturday at 8 AM?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yup," I said.

"We'll talk later, we've got to check in." Hanbin Hyung let me off for now and I finally breathed normally.

"He's strict," Hwang whispered, taking a hold of my hand.

"He's nice when I'm not fucking around." I joked laughing softly.

"Your ass hurts?"

"Not yet."

"Another round?


"I don't fucking know. The bathroom?"

"You're so shameless." 


I apologize for taking over a week on this, the chapter wasn't even long but I was genuinely tired and I needed a break i hope u understand <33

Schools ending next week!! I can update often once school is out, hopefully, every 2 days?? 

Enough abt me, how is everyone? 

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