Chapter 7

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Lee didn't respond to me turning back around watching the sunset

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Lee didn't respond to me turning back around watching the sunset. It definitely was endearing but for some reason I felt attracted to Lee. I didn't know how, but I just knew. I think he knew I was checking him out by his unbalanced breathing. He looks like an innocent little kitty, waiting for some love. I'd love to say it was pathetic but I couldn't say anything bad about him. More like my heart didn't want to.

"What are you doing here by yourself?" I asked, shattering the silence of the wind.

"That's pretty self-explanatory."

"Getting fresh air and escaping from your harsh life?" I asked, he didn't show an ounce of emotion so I bought it up a notch. "Getting abused doesn't seem easy." I smirked when his eyes went wide. I had no clue what I was saying, I don't think anyone would beat him or anything. It was just a playful guess. Felix doesn't say much about his family.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lee looked away.

"You definitely don't know what I'm talking about, but who knows.... I could be right." I held back a chuckle keeping my dominant side revealed. Not that I had a submissive one to begin with, I hated listening to other people order me around.

"I really don't know what you're talking about," He didn't back down. If that's how he's gonna play at it I won't back down either. I got closer to him making contact with his back, I placed both my hands beside him on the railing preventing him from leaving. "What the..." I heard him whisper to himself.

"Talk to me princess," I went down to his ear.

"You're too close," He looked down to his shoes, his ears were bright red while I saw blush color his cheeks.

"Am I?" I tilted my head innocently.

"What are you two doing?" I looked behind me to see Bang. I backed away from Lee.

"Nothing," I grinned at him, for some odd reason Bang didn't seem bothered in the slightest when I was close to Lee. He was looking at me up and down, could this guy be anymore obvious.

"You're interesting." He blurted out, his eyes had darken, I could tell he was thinking of something with the way he looked at my waist. I'll tell you a little something about me. I'm not a bottom. I refuse to be a part of those submissive little babies. Lee is an exception, but I will not be considered a bottom. I've topped my entire life.

"I'm not a bottom so you can get those thoughts out." I smiled at him hoping he'd stop, but no it didn't.

"What thoughts?" He looked at me smirking, this man was crazy. I wasn't scared of him but his aura was huge. Lee wasn't looking at either of us keeping his eyes settled on the city.

"You're engaged, thinking about someone else isn't very appropriate is it now?" I crossed my hands but his eyes were still on my waist. I don't know how Lee was gonna survive with this dude, but it sure ain't got hell to do with me.

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