Chapter 13

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Longest part so far 🤞

It was dark, the sun had set

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It was dark, the sun had set. I could see the city lights from my office. Staring down at the city. The digital clock on my desk displayed 11:26PM. It was a bit late, but I've stayed overnight at work before. This is nothing, plus I have insomnia so it was gonna be hard to sleep either way.

Berry was taken to the new home, if Lee comes across him then I guess his life might end on the spot. Who knows.

I took my suit and walked out of my office. I had told Han to leave early today. He was tired, he needed his sleep. I'm not a complete asshole, especially towards Han. I took the elevator clicking the garage, that's where I left my car. I should probably stop by a restaurant and get some take out. I'm starving, my stomach feels scarce and empty.

I fished my keys out of my pocket pressing the silver button and hearing my car from a few meters away. It was a Lamborghini, now you may be laughing but I liked the look of it. I had it wrapped in matte black and now saying it looked sophisticated was understatement. I left my suit jacket in the passenger seat next to me and started the car. The air conditioning made the car much cooler than it already was. It was almost November and the cool air was getting to me. I might need to start bringing my coat soon.

I gripped the steering wheel with my right hand and used the other for the gears. I pressed down on the gas pedal moving, I didn't have to go backwards since there wasn't a car in front of me. I left the garage within a few seconds and was stuck on the main road. There's been a lot of traffic ever since I got here, then again this is Seoul.

I stopped by Panda Express, people call it a wannabe Chinese restaurant for its food. But I don't give two fucks, the food tastes good, end of discussion. The aroma of food in the car smelled quite nice, so I bought food for myself, and myself only. Lee is out of the question. Plus, he's probably asleep now.

I continued the drive to the black home I now live in because of my parents who're desperate for grandchildren. Lee is a man and so am I, I don't know where kids would come from. The stork? No, this isn't a kids cartoon, I certainly do not plan on having kids anyway. It's too much work for me. Berry might not be the best around babies either.

I drove in the driveway of my house, taking the food and jacket I left. The streetlights outside were on, they were the only thing lighting up outside. The forest was pitch black when I looked through the shady trees. I started my way to the door, typing in the pin.

I shut the door behind me and when I looked ahead, a small lamp was lit up in a room down the hallway. I guessed that the room didn't have doors from the way the light had reached the dark hallways. Lee is still up? That wasn't it though, I heard soft music coming from the same room. I hung my jacket on the hook and took the bag of food with me. As I walked closer to the room, the music got a tad but louder, it was soft and gentle. I could tell it was a singular instrument...... and a voice.

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