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Getting up I smile running past Draco's room, and pound on the door, "Get up dragon" I shout sliding down the rails on the stairs.

Walking into the family dining room I see my guardians sitting at the table, I've been with them since my dad was killed and my mom went to Azkaban.

Uncle Luci stands bowing at his waist "Hermione I hope you slept well" he says chuckling slightly as I mimic his actions "Very much Uncle I do hope you slept well".

Aunt Cissa shakes her head smiling "Morning Aunt Cissa" I say kissing her cheek before sitting down as Draco comes in wearing sleep pants and no shirt with messy hair.

"Today you two head to Hogwarts are you ready?" Uncle Luci asks sipping his tea.

I nod excitedly "Yes, I'm getting in Slytherin" I cackle sounding like my idol and mother.

"Of course you will, you're the heir of Slytherin and a Black, now I must warn you, Harry Potter will be starting as well and rumors say your father is lurking around the school".

I nod bouncing in my seat slightly "Hermione you mustn't draw attention to yourself, never go anywhere alone" Aunt Cissa warns.

I sigh slumping in my chair "Fine" I mumble eating my breakfast.

"I swear she's more like Bellatrix every day" Uncle Luci whispers.

We finish eating and get dressed, Uncle Luci pulls his wand out and we apparate to the train station on the magical side, Draco and I act and look like the perfect pureblood children we were taught to show in public, they tell us bye and we get on the train sitting down.

A few hours later

I glare at the people around me waiting for my turn to be sorted "Hermione Black" I smirk stalking up and glaring at the seat before I kick it away and turn to face the group "We prefer new students to sit Miss. Black".

I hum tilting my head "I prefer to stand" I say ignoring them, and smirk hearing the teachers whisper about the last student who refused to sit to be sorted as the hat's placed on my head.

'Well this is interesting the heir of Slytherin and the house of Black, I remember your father when I placed him and your mother she was a troublemaker very entertaining'.

I smirk "Place me where I belong" I whisper.

'Are you sure? any of the houses would fit'.

"No place me in my house".

'very well'

"SLYTHERIN" I smirk when the hat's taken off stalking to my table, I sit by Draco who nudges me "What took so long?"

"Stupid hat likes to talk" I say cackling making him laugh while seeing the teachers looking at me almost uncomfortable.

When the rest are sorted I hum putting my arm around Pansy who curls into my side.

"My parents sent a marriage request to your Aunt and Uncle," she says smiling.

"Oh Morgan's tits, I hope it's for Dragon" I snark biting my food as she smirks.

"No for you beautiful" she coos tapping my nose.

I frown looking at Draco "She refuses to accept I'm already set up to be married" I say motioning to her making her chuckle.

He sighs rolling his eyes at us "I don't understand your relationship".

Laugh looking at her "he's just jealous, right Pans?" I ask as we follow our perfect to our rooms.

Pansy nods shoving one of the girls who keeps looking back at me "Eyes forward half blood" she hisses.

I laugh as we are let in "Okay first years as a Slytherin it's two to a room, girls to the right, boys to the left".

Pansy smiles looking at me when a portrait of Salazar Slytherin says my name opening, I smirk seeing everyone's shock knowing it will start the rumors of me being the heir.

I tug Pansy in with me "I believe this is our room Pans" I say glancing back and seeing Draco smirking at me.

Moving in she laughs laying on the large bed as the door closes, I smirk crawling over her "How do you like our room?" I ask.

"Perfect Hermione" I hum laying down by her feeling her laying her head on my chest "Your guardians will accept the marriage request right?"

I nod kissing her head "Yes, I told them if your parents sent one I want you".

She scoffs and slaps my stomach "You better want me Black".

I chuckle pressing my face to her hair "When Dad returns and frees Mom they may have to agree, but I'll tell them I want you" I mumble.

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now