I hiss glaring at everyone around me, I can't go anywhere without Professor McGonagall following me, I've even seen her in my room watching me, I've figured out she's using hidden passages only seen by an Animagus.

Moving to my room when it's time for dinner I tell the others to go without me by shaking my head, I sit on my bed with a book watching for the damn cat.

When she shows up I jump tackling her, holding her by her scruff, I then force her into a box that won't allow her to change till I let her out.

I grab the box walking to the Dinning hall up to the teachers table, sitting the box down in
front of Dumbledore "I'd appreciate being able to take a bath or change without a teacher spying on me" I screech, knowing I have everyone's attention, I yank it open pulling the cat out the spell on the box lifts and Professor McGonagall drops from my arms no longer a cat glaring at me.

"Stop watching me change and bathe" I snarl grabbing my box.

Dumbledore grabs it yanking it away, only to have it appear back in my hand again so he glares at me "The box will return to me no matter what, if I catch her spying on me naked again I will gladly report this inappropriate behavior of a teacher towards a student".

I shrink the box putting it in my pocket while heading for the table sitting with my group, I frown seeing Potter and Co are missing "Where's Potter?" I ask Draco.

"I seen him and his friends sneaking out to Hagrid's".

I nod frowning "It's dark outside".

He nods smirking "I told Snape what I seen, he's going to get them".

Hearing a loud howl I freeze "Oh no" I whisper.

"Calm down, everyone calmly head to your rooms and stay there" Dumbledore says standing up.

Getting up we all head to the dungeon, looking around I move closer to the mudblood linking
our arms "We need to talk" I whisper.

Getting in the room I lead her in my room with the girls and boys in my group following us in, Draco shuts the door and leans against the wall by the door crossing his arms.

I push her to the chair where Milli waits yanking her back, forcing her to sit keeping a hand
on her shoulder in warning, I smirk leaning towards her grabbing the arms of the chair.
"Hello mudpuppy" I coo tapping her nose "I found out something very interesting" I add holding my hand out, Pansy sighs grabbing the file off my shelf handing it to me.

I giggle sitting on the girl's lap sideways "Let's see now Angel Smith" I tsk shaking my head "such a common name, it seems you are living in a group home for kids who no one can deal with, your parents lost you for many kinds of abuse".

She glares at me as she raises her arm, Milli grabs it forcing her arm back down, I cackle grabbing her face "Be a good puppy and listen like a good girl" I coo letting go I scratch her head like a dog.

"Now I have an offer for you muddy, this summer you come home with me, we will see how
serious you are about what you told me, you wanted to do and if you prove truthful" I smile cooing at her "I'll make sure you are always safe".

She scoffs yanking back from me "You can't promise shit, I seen the signs and read about him, he is coming back, I'll be killed if he does".

I cackle as the others smirk "Correct muddy he is coming back but, what you're not understand is, if a pureblood family places you under it's protection, he will respect that and give you a chance to prove yourself loyal to him".

I smirk leaning close enough I could kiss her if I wanted "Now if I, as head of The Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, put you under my protection you could learn all the darkest magic you want, and punish people like your mommy and daddy".

Hermione R BlackWhere stories live. Discover now